part 2

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Lucy- hun look at me

Tim looks at her

Lucy- calm down, ok
Tim- ok phew
Bishop- your literally younger than him and have a better job
Lucy- don't speak to him that way
Bishop- I was talking to u
Lucy- Mhm

She walked closer to her and leaned on the table in front of her

Lucy- listen here, u can be a bitch to me all u want , as soon as u mention my husband I'll put u down ok..
Bishop- was that a threat
Lucy- eh more of a warning

She walks back to tim and tim just holds her

Lucy- are u ok?
Tim- ye, u?
Lucy- I'm good, there's only 1 thing she can say which will make me break
Bishop- hey lucy, u deserved to die in that barell

Lucy runs of crying and tim tries to lunge at bishop but Nolan, angela and west have to hold him back , tim- breaks free and runs to lucy , he finds her sat at her desk cutting herself

Tim- babe?
Lucy- Shit, I-i can explain?
Tim- give it
Lucy- no
Tim- now
Lucy- no
Tim- yes
Lucy- NO
Tim- lucy Bradford u give that to me now
Lucy- will I get it back?
Tim- when I can trust u
Lucy- fine, I'm sorry

She gives it to him and he crouches down to her holding her

Tim- captain and sarg have been told and bishops being spoken too
Lucy- thank you
Tim- come here hun
Lucy- I'm so sorry
Tim- it's ok but remember what I tell u everyday
Lucy- idk
Tim- your beautiful and your sexy no one else will change that
Lucy- ok
Tim- good girl

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