Day 3: Rabbit nose and snout

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Day 3

They woke up and just like the rabbit teeth and hands, they have rabbit noses and snouts.

They sniffed the air and they found that the air has a very beautiful scent.

They went downstairs and Gromit left them carrots for breakfast. They tasted the carrots and they liked the taste and flavor.

Gromit went downstairs, and they loved their dating site.

"Thanks for the carrots, Gromit." Said Wallace and Totty.

Gromit nodded his head in agreement.

They went back upstairs. And Totty had another idea.

"So, Wallace, you ready to take off your pants and underwear while I take off my underpants too?" Asked Totty.

"Sure." Said Wallace as he took off his pants and underwear, and Totty took off her underwear so they can have their bunny tails show up in the morning.

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