Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

Hattie had to leave soon and that thought alone made me ooze loneliness. Hattie had a way about her that just brightened up a room. Her personality was truly amazing.

"Do you really have to go?" I asked her sadly.

She sighed and I knew she didn't want to leave me here. Hattie had demanded I have my own room but Petunia had merely laughed in her face and ranted about the lack of space in this house to begin with.

"I really don't like this place, Grace. I promise my sister is coming in a few days, I have a feeling that everything will work out. Unfortunately, I've got to leave now before I miss my flight."

I felt a tear roll down my cheek. She was going to be so far away.

"Hey, don't cry! You're going to make me cry too!" She hugged me tight.

"This isn't goodbye silly girl; you can't get rid of me that easily."

I laughed, knowing she was right. I just had to be patient.

"I'll check up on you soon, love you squirt!" Hattie called from the hallway.

I sat on my bed and prayed that time would go faster. Soon enough, I fell asleep.

I woke to someone touching my hair.

"Who's there?" I squealed. Someone was seriously going to regret scaring me while I was sleeping.

"Just me," I heard a voice, Tristan say.

"That doesn't make it okay you pervert! Don't touch me!" I scowled in his direction trying to look intimidating.

He laughed, "I thought you were the cutest when you were sleeping but you're even cuter when you're trying to act angry."

"I'm not acting Tristan. I barely know you and you're watching me when I sleep!" I cried, throwing my hands up in frustration. I hit the headboard and winced, rubbing my hand.

"Ow," He complained. "You hit me in the face!"

Oh, apparently that wasn't the headboard.

"It serves you right. Go to bed, Tristan." I snapped, lying back down.

Wow, I haven't raised my voice to anyone since I yelled at Dr. Hattie the first night in the hospital.

I cringed, feeling kind of bad for freaking out on him. I shook my head to clear those thoughts.

No Grace, he was being weird and you had every right to stand up for yourself.

I laid in bed for what seemed like ever until I finally heard Tristan's soft snores from across the bedroom.

Finally, I fell back into a light sleep and hoped this time; I wouldn't wake up until morning.


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