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Chapter 3 - The Reveal

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This is only temporary. A necessity. Once my mother is safe, we'll be leaving this town.

Far away from Kieran Murphy.

Far away from this nightmarish world where I don't belong.

Far away from stupidly attractive Liam Kavanaugh.

"You will be staying in my mansion, of course. The Albanians know what you look like. Going back to the street alone is not a good plan."

"But I need to stop by the hotel." I insist, my voice rising. "I need to get..."

"All taken care of. I already sent Nico to retrieve stuff from your hotel room."

I pause, frowning. "Wait, how do you know which hotel mom and I booked?"

"Your wallet."

"Excuse me?"

"You're officially checked out. As far as anyone is concerned, Alexandra and Zerina Martinaj have left Dublin. Now, follow me."

"Where are we going?" I am reluctant to heed his order.

"To show you where you'll be sleeping while under my protection. Yer always welcome to share my quarters." He licks his lips.

"No, thank you." I fumble with my words, desperately trying to hide my embarrassment.

"I didn't think ye would. Yet."

Bold of him he thinks I would, ever.

I follow the infuriating man through his opulent mansion, the sheer size of the place leaving me in awe. Finally, he opens the door to a lavish bedroom.

The floor is adorned with exquisite marble tiles, its cool surface reflecting the soft glow of the chandelier above. The walls are dressed in rich, shamrock-green wallpaper, a deep shade that exudes elegance. A plush sofa sits against one wall, its luxurious fabric inviting me to sink into its comfort. The bed fit for royalty stands proudly in the center, its ornate wooden frame adorned with intricate carvings. Even the art on the walls is a collection of carefully curated pieces, their vibrant colors and captivating brushstrokes adding a touch of sophistication to the space.

My eyes widen in awe. It's a stark contrast to the small, cramped flat back in Albania where my mom and I live; where the only splashes of color are a few plastic plants and a shelf with carefully chosen classics.

"So, what do you think of the bedroom arrangements?"Liam asks, a smug smile playing on his lips.

"It's certainly impressive." I pause for a moment, trying to find the right words. "I... I appreciate the gesture."

Deep down, I long for the comfort and coziness of our small flat. While undeniably beautiful, this bedroom still feels impersonal, like a display of wealth rather than a place of warmth and familiarity.

Liam glances at me. I wonder if his eyes caught the hint of hesitation on my face, but if they did, he does not comment on it. It's a small gesture, but I'm grateful for it all the same.

"I'm glad you are pleased." He walks over to the little fridge and helps himself to a glass of whisky. "You will have complete privacy here. I understand it's hard." He pauses, adding. "It's not easy to lose a loved one."

The sadness in his voice disarms me and for a moment I wonder if he is speaking from experience.

"No. It's not." I reply mechanically.

"So." Liam clears his throat, and I can practically feel his unease about the topic. "I am expected at Angels. Nico can escort you wherever you'd like to go, or you can stay in your bedroom and rest. You are safe here."

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