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It's finally race day, a chance to have a little breather from Lando. Although, deep down, I know I'll be seeing him again in Saudi Arabia soon.

I told Charles I'd arrive at the paddock later. Now I'm just leaving now, I was too tired to leave early. I decided I'll go to the track just before the race starts to avoid any chance I'll have an encounter with Lando.

Why I was heading to the circuit in the cab, I decided to check my Instagram, realizing I hadn't done so since yesterday.

Upon checking my Instagram, my jaw dropped in shock, I gained an additional fifteen thousand followers in just one day. How is that even possible.

I noticed message notifications on my Instagram, something unusual. Curiosity led me to scroll through thousands until I picked one that read, "How is your relationship with Lando?"
What a great way to start my day.

"We're here, miss. Enjoy," the driver smiled, and I tipped him before stepping out of the car.

I scanned my pass, and when I walked through it was perfect timing, because the cars are on their formation lap. I could've arrived a bit earlier to say hi to Charles, but oh well, I'll see him post-race. Hope he's not too angry about it.

I walked over to the Ferrari garage and ignored any paparazzi, I didn't want any questions about Lando.

I made it into the garage successfully, greeted some mechanics and put my own set of headphones on to watch the race.


"Goddamit Stella," I muttered to myself, rushing to the podium. All I wanted was a quick snack, and now I see Charles on the third-place podium on one of the TVs. I feel like a horrible sister.

Once I get there the champagnes already been popped and the celebrations have died down.

As I check out the boys on the podium, I notice Lando, and our eyes immediately click. I quickly look away, searching for first place. Wait what the fuck, Lando is pole position.

I bolted away quickly to the Ferrari hospitality to greet Charles, realising I haven't spoken to him the whole day. And he's left the ceremony.

While rushing over, I get stopped by a sea of fans pulling out their phones. But why me? I'm just his sister, seriously.

"Stella!" one yells. "Fuck you!" Another one yells, and my mouth opens wide. Now, who raised these kids?

"Can I get a photo, please?" one kid asks politely. I smile and bent down, letting them get their photo.

After spending almost ten minutes giving out photos, I finally break free. I rush over to the hospitality, walk in, and it's empty. Just some mechanics around the place.

"Hello! Do you know where Charles is?" I ask nicely to one of the mechanics. "He left," he says coolly and walks off.

Did he seriously just leave me here? I pull out my phone to text him.

Stella: why the fuck did you just leave me stranded.

Now, I wait for a reply... My phone immediately buzzes with a message.

Charles: were talking later.

Is he serious right now? I roll my eyes and exit the hospitality. I don't know what to do. Should I get another cab? But I don't have money to pay. I gave my last amount of money to my last driver. Great, i need to start carrying my card with me.

Now, I stand looking stupid in the middle of the paddock, having no idea where to go.

"Looking lost," a familiar voice speaks, and I already have a clue on who it might be.

I turn around, and I'm correct, how come he always stays late?

"What do you want Lando." I roll my eyes annoyed by his presence.

"Calm down," he chuckles. I turn around, and walk to the exit. I guess I'm walking to the hotel.

"Where are you going?" He followed along. Why can't he just leave me alone? "To the hotel."

"Where's Charles?" I stop in my tracks, frustrated. "Fucking gone," I turn around. I might hate myself for doing this, but come on, who else am I going to ask, Toto Wolff or something?

"Mind if I can have change?" I ask nicely. This is so stupid; I hate him, and now I'm asking for money.

"Isn't your family rich?" He chuckles, raising an eyebrow. I cross my arms over my chest.

"I didn't bring money with me because i was meant to be leaving with Charles." He now raised both eyebrows then laughed again. This isn't even funny.

"Come on." He puts his hand in his pocket, then pulls out a pair of keys, waving them around. Oh, he better not be thinking what I'm thinking, because the answer will be a definite no.

"I'm not going in a car with you," I say coolly. He doesn't respond, instead, he grips onto my wrist and pulls me to a McLaren parked in the car park.

"Lando... I'm not..." He cuts me off, how dare he. "Get in the fucking car, Leclerc." Okay, now that was harsh, and now I'm scared.

"But I—" I'm stopped from talking again. "You're not walking to the bloody hotel. And look." He waves around my book. Where the hell did he pull that from? "Now hop in."

Rolling my eyes, I open the door. This isn't doing any favors for the rumors. Perhaps I should've just approached Toto Wolff, surely he would've given me money.


A.N: I love this chapter I don't know why! But I already know I'll love the next chapter. *wink, wink*

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