Heart Break

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Bhairav Pov

Scarifies made the relationship beautiful to have a healthier and happier relationship. Everyone must sacrifice something for their partners. Whether it is small or big, it does have a large impact on our relationship, but it shouldn't always be one-sided.

Today, when she revealed my real identity in her courtroom, an unknown havoc was created inside me. I felt pathetic. I don't even know myself and my parents, but many others know about us, and this thing felt so weird to me.

And I did confront her, and there she made me aware of the struggle that my mother faced and pushed me to claim my rights and avenge her, but there was something inside her telling a different story to me, just like the desperation of forcing me or wanting to awaken a rage inside me, but my mind denied it instantly.

And not wanting to fall in line with her plan, which she wants to execute clearly, I decided to surrender and coronate her, freeing myself from her manipulation and saving our broken relationship.

I don't know what to call her. I don't know what I should call her, Navie or oversmart, and this fact made me laugh from where she got the idea that she could oversmart me. She did not say that she was winning, because I'm letting her win.

And this may lead to a little argument between us and get resolved too before she was called for some official work, and now I'm here alone inside her chamber. My eyes move around, seeing the disastrous condition of her chamber. Her things and clothes scatter here and there, giving an example of her bubbling frustration.

And today, I want to feel her in her things and see how she lived inside this chamber, as it is my first time here in her chamber in my proper sense because last time I was here, I was not in my sense and created a very bloody mess here.

My eyes move to her vanity, and I find a very few pieces of jewelry lying there carelessly, telling the story of the beautiful beginning we shared. My feet move on, taking me near her vanity. My finger ran over them, feeling the love we share and build for ourselves.

Not able to understand the messiness in her abode, I decided to clean her chamber to give her and myself a sense of relief before I took some rest. Soon I started working, putting everything in its place. First, I arrange the very few pieces of jewelry she owns in her jewelry box. Take care of some dropping vases, and then I moved to her messily scattering clothes here and there like some Strom hit them.

I collect her clothes from everywhere and arrange them properly before putting them quickly in their trunks and closing them. While cleaning her room, I accidentally collided with a small wooden table, knocking down the metal vase in the round with a loud thud.

Cursing, I quickly picked the vase up and felt some movements and clinking inside it, but as I looked inside, it was empty. Again, when I shook the vase again, the sound of the clink was audible, but the vase was completely empty, making me confused.

Curiously, I want to go near the fire altar and burn it up. And the moment the flames rose, I put the vase in the fire and waited for a few minutes as it started melting with the high intensity of the fire, revealing the shining thing from the vase.

I extinguished the fire with a loud splash of water. I quickly picked up that hot thing in my hand, burning in the process, and dropped it on the floor.

Taking nearby clothes, I pick the thing up and clean it up, and the ground under my feet slips away harshly, making me stumble a little, but I get control over my emotions before they control me, and I refuse to overthink or make some baseless conclusion.

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