Linzi's Diary 3

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Linzi's Diary 3

(They're Back!)

Written By

Linzi Waghorn/Kerry Isaac/Jennifer Davis

Starring the Backstreet Boys

Date: 14/12/2000   Time: 12:30   Place: bedroom   Music: BsB (obviously)


I think of you every minute, every year

Whisper something in your ear

I'll give you all my love all in one

Baby we will have some fun

Hey what can I say?

Yours with lots of love

Bunny rabbit AJ

Twinkle, Twinkle little star

How I wonder how you are

Cousins girlfriend and her friend

You know This card inside will send

The love and hope I'll give to you

And you will keep it through and through

Chocolates, flowers I don't care

Being with you, breathing your air

Working hard from day to night

See you after we've had our flight

English girls, you will be

Loving us for eternity

Love Kev

Kiss me here

Kiss me quick

Kiss me all over

Lots of love Nick

Chocolate hearts and flowers,

Thinking' of you for hours,

Looking at photo's of you,

Singing words so simple and true

I love you so much Linzi

Love Brian.

After receiving the letters we sat down to watch television and the boys were on, we turned the volume up full blast. "Hi we are the Backstreet boys, and we're gonna sing a song especially for you guys at home and in the studio." "This song I wanna dedicate to a very good friend of mine, as we had a fight earlier on near the end of last year, this song is called 'I'll never find someone like you'." The boys started to sing and me and Jen start singing along, the words were really meaningful to me for some reason I have no idea.

Not long after the show had finished, we got a phone call from Nick to say that they were coming over to visit our new home. We started running all over the place tidying up everything. (If we didn't Kevin would have) We put the kids to bed and sat in the living room with our feet up. Then the doorbell rang and Jen ran to the door like a shot, she tidied herself up in the mirror and opened the door. "Hi there." Said a very sunburnt AJ. "Alex!!" "Don't cuddle me, I still hurt." "Well don't just stand their guys come in, but don't make too much noise I've just put the twins to bed." "Twins? What twins... oh those twins, hey I'm a dad!!" "Don't shout AJ!! Go in the living room." All the guys walk into the living room and sit down on the chairs and on the floor. Linzi gets up, goes out of the living room and goes into her bedroom. "How's she getting on?" "Alright at the moment, a few tearful nights, but she's been fine." "Good, good." "I might show you guys the twins later, when they're awake." "Can I borrow you're toilet please?" said Brian with a desperate look on his face. "Yeah sure, it's next to Linzi's room." "Thanks." Brian gets up and makes his way to the toilet, he quietly sneaks past Linzi's bedroom and he hears her speaking to someone, he stands at the door and listens. "Daddy's here today, he is, but we're not gonna tell him that you're here yet. He might get angry at mummy and tell me off." The floorboards creak outside the door and Linzi puts the baby back in the cot. "Who's there...? Jen?" she gets up to investigate and Brian dives into the bathroom. There is no one there. So Linzi takes a look at the baby and goes back into the living room.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2019 ⏰

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