Chapter 2

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The next day after school was over for Malia and Jack, everyone apart from Vince and Leon was at the Toretto garage.

Seeing what Bella was wearing Peter grins looking at his mate "Are they my shorts?"

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Seeing what Bella was wearing Peter grins looking at his mate "Are they my shorts?"

Isabella nods "Yep" she pops the 'p', causing the Hale werewolf to smile more

"Mom always wears your clothes" Jack shrugs, Malia nodding in agreement

"True" the older were-coyote shrugs

Mia's talking to Dom "What about parts and service?"

"Hold off on it" Dom says

"Dom I don't know what to do with it" Mia expresses in frustration, just as a truck pulls us with a battered up car

"What the hell is this?" Dom questions as everyone walks closer to the car "What do you got there?" he asks

"This is your car" Brian says proudly gesturing towards the vehicle

"No way you guys fix that" Isaac says shaking his head, the car was a total disaster

They just share looks not saying anything and Stiles scoffs "Have hope in it"

"My car?" Dom asks as Jesse hit's the car "I said a 10-second car, not a 10-minute car" Dom states amused

"You could push this across the finish line, or tow it" Jesse remarks sarcastically, causing everyone to laugh

"You couldn't even tow that across the finish line" Isabella states, causing everyone to laugh more

Brian gaps a bit "No faith"

"I have faith in you, but this isn't a junkyard, this is a garage" Dom says amused

"Pop the hood" Brian tells Jesse

"Pop the hood?" Dom echo's with a smile

"Pop the hood" Brian states firmly

After getting the car into the garage, Jesse and Isabella pull the hood off as they look into the car

"2JZ engine, no shit" They exclaim in union, with wide eyes full of awe

Malia and Jack gasp slightly hearing what the engine is before shoving past their mom and uncle to look into the car "Wow" they breathe out

"Wow, impressive" Jack says looking at his oldest daughter's boyfriend impressed, who smiles at the older man softly

"And what did I tell you?" the blonde man states cockily

"I retract my previous statement" Dom says impressed

"You know what? This will decimate all after you put about $15,000 in it" Jesse starts

Isabella nods in agreement "Or more if you need to if we have to get overnight parts from Japan" she adds

Malia and Jack turn to their uncle with puppy dog eyes "Please uncle Dom"

His Racer (Teen Wolf x Fast and Furious, Peter Hale)Where stories live. Discover now