Chapter 10

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The Unspoken Heartache

With Altair back in Batangas, life seemed to regain its vibrant colors.

Their shared passion for marine conservation, their laughter, and their insightful conversations filled their days.

However, amidst this joy, there was an undercurrent of change neither of them had anticipated.

During his time abroad, Altair had met someone.

Her name was Clara, a fellow environmentalist with whom he had collaborated on several projects.

She was bright, passionate, and shared Altair's love for nature.

However, as Altair spent more time with Lirea, he found himself grappling with feelings he hadn't fully acknowledged before.

Hearing Lirea speak about her work, seeing her eyes light up with passion, stirred a discomfort within him, a twinge of longing he couldn't ignore.

The thought of Lirea with someone else hurt more than words could say.

As days passed, Altair found himself wrestling with his feelings. He cared about Clara, truly he did.

But he also couldn't deny the deep connection he felt with Lirea.

It was a complex web of emotions —respect for Clara, longing for Lirea, and confusion about the future.

One day, as they were watching the sunset, Altair decided to confront his feelings.

"Lirea," he started, his voice barely above a whisper. "I need to tell you something."

Lirea turned to look at him, her eyes reflecting the setting sun. "What is it, Altair?"

Altair took a deep breath, his heart pounding in his chest.

"Thinking of you with someone else hurts me more than words can say."

Lirea was silent for a moment, taken aback by his confession.

She looked at Altair, her friend, her constant, with a new understanding.

Their relationship was on the brink of another change, their feelings for each other no longer unspoken.

As the sun set on another day in Batangas, Altair and Lirea found themselves at a new crossroads, their hearts heavy with unspoken words and silent promises.

Their story was taking another unexpected turn, their bond facing a new challenge.

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