chapter 2

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Chapter 2

The goons  stop their vehicles seeing bondita alone at the road.
Goon 1: what i amazing piece she is.
Goon:so what if bar closed today..we have a bar dancer Infront of us.
Bondita feels disgusting by their words “excuse me” seeing that bondita try to goon hold her her tightly.
“What is this behaviour? Leave me hand”she shout on them..
“Tonight you are going to come with us for our entertainment.”
Suddenly a punch fall on that goon face.bondita look at the directions.Its the guy whom she meet at the hotel .she was irritated with his behaviour what he done with her and now he is fighting with the goons for her.

Anirudh beat those goons brutally even bondita start saying him to leave them
As the goons scuttle away, nursing their wounds, Anirudh stands tall, but the bruises on his body betray the pain he feels. Bondita rushes to his side, her concern etched on her face.

Bondita: “, you’re hurt! Let me help you.”

Anirudh manages a smrol, trying to downplay the severity of his injuries.

Anirudh: “It’s nothing really, just a few scratches.”

Bondita, however, is not convinced and introduces herself with unwavering resolve.

Bondita: “I’m Bondita, a doctor. You must come with me to my hospital so I can treat your wounds.”

Anirudh looks at her with mild amusement, realizing that she has yet to learn about his own medical expertise.

Anirudh: “These injuries are nothing compared to what I’ve faced. But it seems you don’t know who you’re dealing with. Let’s put your skills to the test, Doctor Bondita..”

Bondita hesitates, uncertain of this mysterious man and his enigmatic charm. But against her better judgment, she agrees, setting in motion a journey that would intertwine their destinies in ways they could never have foreseen.

As the wind whipped through their hair, Anirudh revved the engine of the bike and zoomed through the bustling streets. Anirudh glanced at Bondita and noticed the worry etched on her face as she clung onto him tightly. “Don’t worry, I’ve been through worse,” Anirudh reassured her, wincing in pain. Bondita nodded, her eyes filled with concern.

Amidst the chaos of the city, they finally arrived at Bondita’s small clinic. Anirudh looked around, impressed by the makeshift setup. Bondita tended to Anirudh’s wounds, her gentle touch easing his pain.

Bondita carefully led Anirudh into her hospital room, guiding him to sit as she assessed his injury. Gently cleaning the wound, she felt his intense gaze upon her. With a sudden pull, he drew her closer.
Anirudh: your Hand shivering too  much for treat any patient.
Confused by his unexpected questions, Bondita furrowed her brows, “What do you mean by that, ?”

Anirudh, still staring at her, remarked in a soft voice, “You are so soft, how do you perform surgeries? I was just thinking...”

Bondita’s expression turned to one of frustration, “It’s none of your business,  mr....”

But before she could say another word, Anirudh gently placed a finger on her lips, effectively silencing her. His eyes bore into hers, and in that moment, any hint of anger she felt dissipated, replaced by an inexplicable sense of intrigue and fascination.
“its Anirudh Roy Choudhury...”anirudh speak to her.bondita move herself away.
Bondita handed Anirudh the prescribed medicine, her hands trembling slightly as she avoided his intense gaze. “Here,  take this medicine as prescribed ” she said, her voice betraying a hint of irritation.

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