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Harry had just entered the room, instinctively searching for Lin Rhe on the bed, only to find her missing. He had briefly left her side to gather information by spying on the opposing party, and now he felt an overwhelming wave of anxiety wash over him. Suddenly, a deafening boom echoed through the streets, grabbing his attention. Peering out of the window, he witnessed a colossal seven-foot-tall zombie wreaking havoc. Men, like marionettes under the control of a woman, futilely fought against the monstrous creature. The putrid stench emanating from the zombie-filled the air, reminiscent of decomposing rats. Its drooling mouth emitted a viscous green liquid that resembled corrosive acid. The men attempted to weaken the zombie's onslaught by firing bullets, but to their dismay, the creature absorbed them like a gelatinous mass.

Understanding the perilous state they were in, Harry felt an urgent need to locate Lin Rhe as quickly as possible. To his astonishment, she suddenly materialized on the bed, accompanied by a man with dark blonde hair.

"L-Lin Rhe, how did you disappear and reappear just now? Do you possess the power of space?" Harry questioned, his voice trembling with a mix of confusion and awe.

"I'm not certain, it seems to happen when I faint. Oh, and this is Jared Lee. I met him not long ago and saved him," Lin Rhe explained, sharing in Harry's bewilderment.

Perplexed by the chaotic scene unfolding around them, Harry quickly briefed Lin Rhe on the situation.

"There's a fierce battle between a group of men and a horde of acid-spewing zombies. We must evacuate immediately. The situation is highly perilous," Harry urgently informed her.

Noticing Jared's disheveled attire, Harry couldn't help but experience a fleeting pang of jealousy. However, recognizing that the priority lay in their collective safety, such thoughts were swiftly dismissed. Together, they swiftly gathered their belongings and prepared to make their escape from the city's turbulent environment. As they watched the repugnant zombie continue to spread its corrosive green substance, they observed the opposing group, led by the woman, inching closer to their location. Without hesitation, they pivoted, darting forward with the swiftness of a coursing wind. The city's walls surrounded them, leaving only one entrance and exit.

Drums pounded in their ears, resonating alongside the sporadic gunshots and the thunderous footsteps of the zombie. Despite the overwhelming chaos, Lin Rhe pushed aside any traces of panic, mindful of their ability to navigate through this perilous landscape. Three meters before them, a gate leading to the exit emerged, offering a glimmer of hope. In an instant, the ground quivered beneath their feet, splintering into a gaping chasm. Glancing behind them, they beheld the relentless zombie hurtling in their direction. With nowhere to hide, they found themselves faced with an ominous abyss.

Only the determined voice of Lin Rhe resounded amidst the impending disaster. They were now confronted with an arduous battle against a level-five zombie.

"All in!" Lin Rhe exclaimed with unwavering fortitude.

In the blink of an eye, Harry opened his eyes to a realm of boundless space, his vision encompassing a trio of figures alongside a tranquil waterfall. Overwhelmed by the surreal sight before him, he addressed Lin Rhe, seeking to make sense of their current circumstances.

"Lin Rhe, is this your space power?" Harry inquired.

"Yes, this is my space power. I only discovered it a while ago. It provides us refuge for now, shielding us from the dangers that lie outside," Lin Rhe responded, shedding light on their newfound sanctuary within her extraordinary abilities.

As the weight of the situation settled upon them, Lin Rhe contemplated the future that lay ahead for their small group. Grateful for the sustenance they carried, they endeavored to ration their limited food supply. Recognizing the pressing need to replenish their strength, Lin Rhe suggested they proceed with preparing a meal.

"Let's prepare our food now. I am ravenous," Lin Rhe declared, addressing Jared and Harry.

Motivated by their hunger, Harry took the initiative, igniting a log within their spacious realm. Utilizing the flame, he heated a can of tuna, their modest feast for the moment. As the trio settled down on the soft ground, the flickering fire casting dancing shadows upon their faces, Harry found himself intrigued by the enigmatic Jared.

"Ahh... Jared, how did you come to meet Lin Rhe?" Harry inquired, every word laced with genuine curiosity.

"She saved me, and I suppose I have developed a fondness for her," Jared replied with an air of frankness, his words marked by uncompromising honesty.

"Remarkably straightforward for a man," Harry mused aloud, momentarily taken aback by Jared's candidness.

Jared simply shrugged, revealing a philosophy that seemed to guide his actions.
Witnessing the grotesque scene in her mind, Lin Rhe observed the zombie devouring the man's flesh and dissolving it completely. Once satiated, the towering zombie sprinted towards a building situated twenty meters away from the crevice. Lin Rhe shut her eyes once more, returning to her personal space as she relayed the events she had witnessed outside to Harry and Jared.

"For now, we are safe, but we must gather our strength and prepare to make our way to the other side," Lin Rhe informed them, her voice filled with determination.

Their intense stares made Lin Rhe slightly uncomfortable, prompting her to inquire, "Why are you both staring at me so intently? Am I that captivating that you have fallen in love with me already?" She shamelessly teased them.

Realizing the validity of their predicament and acknowledging their current weakness, Lin Rhe faced Harry and Jared, questioning how they could fight the approaching zombies.

"You're right, we need to improve," Harry agreed, his voice mirroring Lin Rhe's concerns.

Jared, displaying unwavering resolve, voiced his determination, stating, "For the time being, I may not possess any special abilities, but I will dedicate myself to enhancing my physical strength."

Lin Rhe expressed consensus, emphasizing the importance of regaining their strength. She began consuming the bland yet nourishing tuna, conscious of the need to fortify themselves for the trials that lay ahead. Feeling the lingering stickiness on her body, she made her way toward the cascading waterfall, where she found solace and relief. As she bathed, the cool droplets revitalized her senses, enlivening her spirit.

Within a matter of five minutes, she sensed Harry and Jared approaching her secluded bathing spot, their gazes still fixated upon her.

DOOMSDAY ROMANCE:  SPACE POWERWhere stories live. Discover now