ix. waldosia

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wal·do·sia (n.) : a condition characterized by scanning faces in a crowd looking for a specific person who would have no reason to be there, which is your brain's way of checking to see whether they're still in your life, subconsciously patting its emotional pockets before it leaves for the day.


i always search
for your perfectly carved face
in every crowd
in empty fields

in every dark rooms
of every photographer
in every crossroads
i hope you're just standing there

in each cobbled stones
i walk and waste each second
in every movie houses
i yearn for our chance encounters

fascinated by the moonlight
stuck on those city lights
of passing cars
on every winding roads

i wonder where you are now
did you miss me, even for second?
for months i've not heard,
your voice out of my head

it's been such a long time
since i've called you mine
we reached the end
of our timelines

in your permanent absence
and the passage of time
i learned not to drown
but to swim with the wild waves

i do not mind this misery,
as long as i have your every memory
i know this love is such an impasse
longing for each days to pass.


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