Yor Gives Tummy Massages

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Anya and Emile were tasked in a project together, so Yor picked the kids up to study with one another. Emile was feeling more flatulent than usual and decided it would be a win-win to relieve his gaseous pressure to annoy Anya but to also get Yor's attention who he had a boy crush on.

"Hey Anya, listen to this!" Emile exclaimed.


Emile farted and stunk up the car, much to Anya's slight chagrin.

"Eww! Mama, did you hear when Emile pooted? It stinks!" Anya cried, pinching her nose.

"Yes darling, I heard it. I can smell his fart from up here." Yor chuckled, rolling down the window to air out the vehicle.

"It was loud, right Mrs. F? I can probably make it louder-" Emile began.

"Oh, no thank you, sweetie." Yor interrupted in a gentle tone.

Emile passed more gas on the way home, irritating Anya but Yor simply hummed a tune and continuously aired out the car. The gang pulled into the flat and were now in the living room.

"Alright you two, play nicely. Good luck with your schoolwork." Yor told them.

"Right!" they replied in unison.

Twenty five minutes passed and Anya ran out of her room in a frenzy. Yor looked up from her book and caught her child's attention.

"Anya, what's wrong? You know how I feel about you running in the house..." Yor stopped Anya.

"Emile is tooting again stunk me out of my room!" Anya wailed.

"Huh? He farted again? Boys are just gassy Anya, it can't be that bad?" Yor tried to reason.

Emile happened to enter as she asked that.

"Hey Mrs. F, you got any sodas? I'm kinda thirsty." Emile blurted out.

"Are you sure that would be a good idea, young man? Anya tells me you've been farting a bit frequently and that it's getting pretty smelly..." Yor inquired.

"Only one way to be sure!" Emile grinned.

The boy then ripped a fart loudly for about five seconds straight that smelled terrible. Anya sported a shocked expression and Yor sniffed the air.

"Goodness, Emile! That fart was quite a stinky one! Here, let me rub your tummy..." Yor fanned her nose, then grabbing Emile by the hand to sit him on her lap. "Relax now, I'm just gonna massage your stomach to knead all of the yucky farts out of you."

The boy sat down in Yor's lap and began to fart.


"That stinks, young man!" Yor laughed, wafting his fart away.

"I got more, I got more!" he excitedly replied.


"Goodness me, your farts are so stinky!" Yor put a hand over her mouth.

"I think I'm done farting, Miss Yor." Emile smiled.

"What a relief! You pass the stinkiest gas..." Yor sighed.

The boy hopped off Yor's lap, laughing. He then ran back to Anya's room to continue what they were doing. Yor shook her head and let out a little giggle and went back to reading her book.

The End

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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