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HERNIONE GRANGER loved muggle Christmas. In its own way, the muggle world had a way with sparking a little magic into the season. The smells of cinnamon and the taste of mince pies spired her on as she explored the busy street, her eyes drinking in the decorations. She was going to spend Christmas with the Weasleys as she had done in more recent times but considering that Ron had taken to ignoring her; she didn't think it would be appropriate. And so, she was determined to celebrate Christmas on her own. After spending a considerable time with her parents over the summer holiday, she had convinced them to go on a trip to Kenya for the winter – to celebrate her father's retirement from dentistry. They had kept her updated with postcards and envelopes full of photographs with zebra's and giraffes. It had been such a mentally difficult period for their family after the war and their memories had been reintroduced to them. Hermione had been even more self-conscious over sharing gory details about the war, and they had been even more adamant about reintroducing Hermione back to her muggle life. Which unfortunately had included trying to pair her with any son of one of their friends.

After collecting her things with a head filled with muggle Christmas songs, she returned to Diagon Alle where she smiled at their attempt of a Christmas. The candles and floating decorations were stunning; but it didn't feel the same as the muggle equivalent. She had decided to stay over at the hotel; unfortunately for her – being the so-called Brightest Witch of their Age, meant that she couldn't just curl in front of the fire and enjoy a cup of steaming cocoa unnoticed. Dinner time brought the guests into the main parlour, and she felt surprised to spot a mop of white hair sitting by the window. "This seat taken?" she asked, pleased that Draco met her with a surprised look. She sat before he could say anything and looked at what he was reading. Following their last interaction, she put on a brave face and willed herself to be stubborn.

"I thought you had decided to be with your friends or family for Christmas?" Draco asked. She shrugged and leaned her elbows on the table. "Why aren't you at the Weasleys?" he asked again. It has taken a lot of will power for him to not tie in a rude nickname. It was surprising to her how much he appeared to care for her, his kindness was leaking from the seams of his tight lips and carefully pressed robes.

"I didn't want to ruin it for them." she explained honestly. At this point Draco had been studying versions of herself so much; that it didn't make sense to hide anything now. Draco couldn't help but note how her thoughtlessness had carried through, she also had not asked him about his own Christmas plans – to which he was grateful. He did not push the topic of her parents, which she was grateful for herself.

"Did you come from somewhere?" he asked noticing her holding bags with names of places he had never seen before.

"I did. I must keep up my muggle traditions – especially now" she smiled more to herself. Her mother had left her with a list of things to eat and do. Draco Malfoy had found that he hadn't much thought about muggle Christmas traditions before.

"What traditions?" he asked closing his book and turning to look at her. Hermione had never gotten a chance to share her own traditions, only take on the magical ones so she began explaining little things that they did. All the activities appeared to be very demanding to Draco, but he listened carefully – and found that their conversation lasted throughout their meal. "So, you watch that film, every year?" he asked for the third time, to which she laughed.

"Yes, how many times do I have to tell you! I brought it with me." It was surprisingly refreshing to have a normal conversation with someone. Not speaking of exams, messages from the ministry, public appearances. The guests watched in horror as the well-known bright white-haired son of Lucius Malfoy and the brains of the Golden Trio appeared to be cordial and even laugh together.
Pansy Parkinson stood across the road watching the scene, her stomach turned in horror; that they could act as if nothing had happened, lives had not been lost and hate did not spread. She expected Draco to be smarter than to go frolicking with a mudblood.

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