//Dear Valentine//

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Extra chapter #3


The first thing that greeted [Name] the moment he entered the school grounds were tons of loitering students holding far too many gifts in their hands and running around.

"What the...." [Name] blinked at the bustling hallways which were now filled to the brim with heart decorations that ranged from the many shades between red and pink. Garlands, paper hearts, flowers, and practically every decorative item you can name can be seen in the rowdy school of Karasuno at the moment.

He was pretty sure he even saw someone hanging up mistletoes and even a goddamn tree. He'd judge that person for not getting the memo for the theme of this event had he not forgotten about it himself.

"Oh, [Name] there you are!" Chigiri was quick to greet him as he left whoever he had been talking to earlier. Upon further inspection, he could see that it was a group composed of multiple girls and some boys rather than a singular person. They seemed a bit displeased at Chigiri leaving but didn't do much other than give disappointed looks before dispersing. "I'm so glad you're finally here." He huffed as he dragged [Name] away. "I've been trying to get away for the past 15 minutes! 15!"

[Name] gave a small, amused look as he nodded. "You look miserable."

"I don't want to be mean, God knows I've dealt with my fair share of admirers, but this has got to be the worst batch of them all. Do you know how many people have tried tying a ribbon around me??" Chigiri started ranting quietly as he kept a lookout for anyone that passed by them, making sure no one could hear him actively bitching about people. He had to keep up a good image of course. As tiring as dealing with people are, he liked the gifts. "They were all- wait."

Chigiri's eyes narrowed down as he stared at [Name]'s outfit which was composed of his usual school uniform and just a white hoodie. He spun the other around, hoping to see something pinned on his bag or maybe an accessory but found nothing.

"You aren't wearing anything from the list of colors." He observed before sighing. "You forgot about Valentine's Day, didn't you?"

[Name] gave an unashamed nod as he watched different sorts of people passing by all somewhat wearing an item with a color that was associated with Valentine's Day, whether it be an outfit like a jacket or something as small as an accessory like headbands or bracelets. "I must've been asleep." He rubbed his eyes as he said that.

Chigiri merely shook his head with a roll of his eyes. "You're more asleep than awake so I can't say I'm surprised." He mumbled dryly. "Ugh, just take a look at this." The redhead pulled out his phone before clicking on a picture he saved in his gallery. He was about to show the image before stopping.

"Actually," He started before closing his screen and slowly pocketing his device. "It doesn't matter that much." He laughed a bit awkwardly, his eyes turning to look discreetly beside him. "It's not that important." He seemed to look deep in thought like someone contemplating whether they should do something or not.

The volleyball genius raised an eyebrow at the statement, feeling a bit suspicious. "Alright then?" When Chigiri said nothing else, he simply turned around to finally head up to their classroom. He'd rather just sit down and start playing on his phone rather than deal with all this.

"Wait," Chigiri finally spoke up again once he saw his friend start to leave. He stuck his hand into his pocket but instead of pulling out his phone, he instead brought out a ribbon. "I, um, can you come here?" He breathed out, feeling a bit embarrassed by what he was about to do.

[Name] tilted his head in slight confusion but walked back over anyway. He blinked at Chigiri expectantly, wondering what he wanted. "Hm? What is it?"

"Give me your hand." He ordered quietly as he adjusted his hold on the red ribbon on his hand. [Name] did what he was told and stuck his arm out with his palm facing down.

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