Chapter Seven: This I do for You

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You lied to that mother

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You lied to that mother.

The goddess said as opened the door to the Grandmother's Library and stepped inside. She had been quiet the entire walk back to the convent, and even as I rummaged around for the key, but it was now she chose to speak up. There was something in her voice that didn't quite sound angry.

"She's done far worse to me." I said as I glanced around the room.

It was about the size of the cellar where we stored the cured foods for winter, but instead of shelves lined with glass jars and wooden barrels, there were shelves lined with dust covered books.

What is it you are hoping to find?

"Do you think I'll find something you're not telling me about?" I challenged.

She went quiet for just a moment as I browsed the shelves, pulling out only the most promising books to place in my bag. I couldn't risk making it too heavy and slowing down our travel. 

I'm trying to understand your goals.

"I could say the same thing to you."

I pulled another book off of the shelf and glanced down at the faded leather of the cover.

Stories of Love and Devotion.

I ran my thumb across the embossed words and placed it in my bag.

My goal is always to protect my children.

My hands clenched tighter around the strap of my bag.

"Then am I not your child?"


"You've let me be hurt many times before, often by my own people." I said, "Where were you when I was being beaten? Did you even care? Did you even feel anything when I laid naked in a pool of my own blood, begging you to just let it end?"


"Did you watch it all happen? Did it even matter to you that I suffered, so long as I did not die?" the words spilled out as if I could not control them. My eyes watered and I clenched my hands so tight that my nails dug into the skin of my palms.


Before I could spew more vitriol at her, I was suddenly pulled backwards. I flailed in a panic, until I was suddenly smashed into the stone floor, a boot pressed hard against my chest, the breath forced from my lungs. 

I blinked up, and saw a man and a woman standing over me. They were vampires, I knew it. Their whole bodies were clothed, and even their hands were gloved.

They knew they couldn't touch my skin.

They had to be vampires. 

"It's probably best we take care of it while she's away." The woman said, pushing her boot down harder on my stomach. I wheezed as more air was forced from my lungs.

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