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"Take yahr time Ms. Alex. We ain't goin nowhere." Ty called nonchalantly from the bottom of the pit. Grabbing the rope I brought, I looked for an area to brace it. Finding a small stone pillar, I push against it. It rocks, but it feels sturdy enough. However, I am not sure it will be able to hold the weight of the heavy men trapped in the earth, but I am satisfied it didn't crumble with pressure, looks like this will have to do. I quickly wrap the rope around the pillar and call Ashley over to me. Instructing her to carefully throw the rope down into the hole, I waited for her to stand next to me. Placing the rest of the rope behind me, I hold it with both my hands and lean back. Using my body weight to hopefully counter theirs.

      "Okay Ty, I need you to climb out as fast as you can." I instructed. Grunting when he begins to climb up the rope, suddenly my feet slip, and I smack against the pillar. Slightly disoriented, I grind my teeth in determination while I push my body away from the pillar and brace my right foot against it. The rope cuts into my hands, but I don't let the pain stop me from getting them out of the trap. Out of nowhere Ty's body weight becomes too heavy for the stone pillar. I gasp when the pillar begins to shake and crack, "Ty... now would be the time to grace us with your presence. If you don't hurry up, you're going to end up back in that hole." I yelled in desperation. My eyes grow wide as the pillar fractures and turns into pebbles at my feet. However, I'm surprised to find I'm not yanked into the pit. Instead, the rope hangs delicately in my hands. Looking at the hole I see Ty's upper body holding onto the edge for dear life. Without a second thought I dropped the rope, ran toward him, and grabbed his biceps. Pulling as hard as I can Ty begins to slip, but before he can fall Ashley is by my side helping me pull him the rest of the way up. Once Ty is up, I fall on my back panting. Ty offers me his hand and I take it. "You are one big boy." I wheezed. I'm still trying to catch my breath.

      "That's why Ah was surprised yah wanted me to come out first." Ty chuckled. Shrugging my shoulders,

      "I wasn't sure that pillar would even hold Wyatt's weight. I knew I couldn't pull you guys out on my own, so I figured if I was going to risk using the pillar. I'd have to risk you coming up first. At least then if you made it, you could help me pull Wyatt up. You are the strongest one here. No offense Wyatt." I cringed guiltily when I remembered he could hear me.

      "None taken, I get it." Wyatt snorted back.

      "Speaking of which, do you want to help me get him out of there so we can get out of the open?" I asked. Ty nods his head, and we begin pulling Wyatt up. Once Wyatt's topside I take a minute to breathe. Damn this poison sucks... I'm ready for a nap. Shaking off my exhaustion I look up at the night sky, "Let's go. We need to get back." I interjected. I'm anxious to get back to Matt. I need to see if the antidote is working.

      "Wait, where is Matt, is he okay?" Ashley asked while Ty's face hardened.

      "Um... just come on. He was alive when I left." Is all I say before I begin to weave them through the traps, I set up for the ghosted. Pausing as we reach the most difficult part: the motion sensor  crossbows. When I made this redneck contraption, I thought it was a brilliant idea. Now it's becoming a nuisance. Signaling the others to come closer. "Here's the really dangerous part. I have four crossbows rigged with motion cameras on top of the ridge line. Once the cameras are triggered the crossbow is designed to fire. You will each have forty-five seconds before another arrow reloads." I quickly explained.

      "Geez Alex, Ah didn't realize yah knew that much about tech." Ty marveled.

      "I dabble." I shyly shrugged.

      "Kinda a random question, but how many arrows can one of those things hold?" Wyatt shuddered as he looked at the thin ravine before us.

      "I'm sorry to also interject Alex but what makes these crossbows so dangerous?" Ashley added, while Ty and Wyatt slowly nodded along. Looking at Wyatt,

The Crystal Chronicles: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now