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They both went inside and everyone was confused seeing the serious look on rohits face and sad look on prathikshas face at that time she got a call and she left to attend it telling rohit

Prathiksha : Bhai, I will be back after attending this call

Rohit : OK baccha but don't take much time

She left to attend the call and here the boys were having a frown on there face because rohit called prathiksha baccha which he only call the ones with whom he is close

Rohit : What happened why are you guy's having a frowned face huh

Rishab : Bhai, did you forget that we need to throw her out and our two attempt already failed , and instead of helping us find a new way you are calling her baccha not fair

Rohit : Who said that I forgot about it, I remember everything but I am not going to help you all find a way to throw her out, infact I won't let you guys throw her out. From today onwards she is my little sister just like tanu and my kiddo like you all.

They all where shocked hearing what he said

Jinx : Are you sure ro, I mean you didn't forget know about whom we are discussing

Rohit : I am more than sure and yeah I didn't forget, just telling you all that for me she is the same way she is for mahi bhai. And I don't want anyone of you to trouble her, and don't even think of throwing her out. She will be our manager and that's final

Jaddu : So it's your final decision that you are not going to help us

Rohit : Yes

Yuzi : If we ask you to choose between her and us who will you choose

Rohit : Both are equal to me, I admit that I love you guys a bit more, but that doesn't give you all the license to trouble her

Hardik : If a situation arises and we both are on the opposite sides, with whom you will stand

Rohit : That depends on who is right and who is wrong. If she is right I will stand with her and if you all are right I will stand with you all

Surya : That means you won't be a part of any of our plans from now onwards

Rohit : Yes

Ishan : If we play small pranks with her, will you let it go just like she let's it go

Rohit : Definitely, as far as its not serious I will let it go

Siraj : And what if we cross our limits and do something serious with her which might end up hurting her

Rohit : Siraj!!! He said a little loudly making everyone shocked as rohit never raise his voice, I believe that you all won't cross your limits and if you guys ever think of doing something wrong with her, remember that you all have to face me first and even mahi bhai also, which is not good for anyone of us

Jassi : So you have decided to protect her right, and won't let us throw her out right

Rohit : Yes I have decided to protect her, from everyone who try's to hurt her, even if it is you all and what ever happens I will not let you all throw her out

Rahul : OK tell me one thing, what made you develop a soft corner for her ??? Is there something so different about her that you turned out to be her protector

Rohit : Her story her life made me develop the soft corner for her, and the way she treats us and always being there for us and she made me believe in myself and in my strength, I think non of us might have saw the struggles that she has seen in her life it gave me an urge to protect her

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