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{text messages}

{drewby + cece}

i miss you

ur so clingy its disgusting

why are you so mean

im about to start an interview or else id come over but...

no wait



INTERVIEWER: hello everyone and welcome to the everything podcast! today we are joined by the amazing and talented up and coming band xscape! how are you guys feeling?

ELIZABETH: very very grateful to hear here today.

RACHEL: im feeling good.

INTERVIEWER: courtney?

COURTNEY: sorry. it feels so surreal that im sitting on a couch that taylor swift has sat on.

I: yes you are. so i take it taylor swift is your biggest inspiration with singing and songwriting?

C: oh 100%. im pretty sure i'm her biggest fan.

I: it seems like you are. rachel? elizabeth? who's your biggest inspiration.

R: since im solely a drummer and not aloud to do any songwriting whatsoever, my inspiration has to be sheila e.

E: paul mccartney. 100 thousand percent paul mccartney. i do a bit of writing and in that aspect my inspiration is obviously also taylor swift. but mostly paul mccartney.

I: those are all perfect answers and i wasn't expecting anything less. now rachel, you mentioned not being aloud to song write. do you mind elaborating on that?

R: yeah i've wrote a few songs in the past but all of them have been scraped by these two.

C: dont get us wrong, the songs were amazing and could possibly be released in the future but at the time they didn't match the vibe of the album we were going for.

I: oh of course. now courtney, i want to take a pause in the questions about music and ask the one question everyone is dying to know. how is your relationship with mystery man?"

C: (laughs) well my relationship with mystery man is great right now. the real question everyone wants to know is if we are dating and the answer is no.

R: (scoffs)

I: well that's surprising. how did you two meet? i feel like it was totally out of the blue.

C: it was completely out of the blue, even for me. i dont want to share too much but it started about six months ago back in january.

R: can we have some questions about the band maybe?

I: yes of course

{text messages}

{cece + lizzie}

so why was rachel a total bitch that whole interview??

no cause i was thinking the same thing
i prepared for her to be a bitch to us like shes been the past week
but to the i interviewer??

yeah omg that was crazy

i hinestly think shes been a little jealous recently

of what?

i mean you have drew and i have tabitha
she doesn't really have anyone like that

youre right
i feel so bad
ive trued to set her up with some of my friends but

no cause she's genuinely told me she's holding out for your brother



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