Chap. 2 - стрыманыя эмоцыі...

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Authors POV:

Phil was pulled to the women's bathroom..

"Hey....." Said the girl in front of Philip, she was taller.. She had a country flag. Her colors were a big chunk of red on top, green on the bottom, and a pattern of white and red on the right side of her face..

"I heard you were staring at my brother.." she pointed out. "Do you know who I am..?" she demanded angrily, but with a calm voice...

"...No.. I don't......" Phil answered..

Phil could sense a lot of emotions being bottled up, mostly sadness.. A lot of guilt, anger and a little bit of sadness were leaking out..

"What's your name" The girl asked one more time..

"Philippines.." Phil said with a confused and worried expression... After a couple seconds, he looked up to see the girl's face, tears were forming in her eyes.. Phil could suddenly sense a strong feeling of sadness and guilt. Tears started to form in his eyes too, due to the strong emotion.

Phil hugged the girl, and asked a question. "Are you.... Alright?"

The sadness and guilt in the air suddenly felt stronger.. seconds later he heard the girl sobbing more... She wanted to scream, and shout, to let it all out, Phil could sense it. But she stopped herself by biting her own bottom lip..

"....... Y'know... you can let it all out.." Phil said.

The girl hugged back, with a strong grip on Philip... The sobbing became louder once more....

"I-I'm sorry. Phil..." She managed to say..
"I'm sorry.." "we're sorry......" She repeated multiple times while sobbing..

"It's alright.." Phil said, even though he doesn't know what she's sorry for that could make her cry out so much tears like this.... ".... What're you sorry for..?" He asked..

The emotions.. sadness, and guilt that the girl bottled up.. the bottle broke...

She cried out more tears.. Minutes later, the girl fainted because of nose bleeding from crying a lot. Philip put the girl on her back to carry her to the nurses office, and told the nurse what happened... "She cried and fell asleep due to blood loss from her nose.."

Philip asked the nurse for a hall pass so he could go back to his class..

As he was walking in the hallway, while looking at his map. He bumped into someone.

It was none other than Indo.. Viet and Mal came up from behind Indo.

"Hey Phil! You guys alright?" Vietnam asked, as he gave Philip a hand while Malay offered Indo a hand.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I'm sorry Indo, I wasn't looking ahead-" Phil was cut-off by indo

"No no, it's my fault, I was running" Indo said, laughing a second later.

"Well I gotta go to class now, see you guys later!" Philip said while running to his class that was nearby.

Minutes later: "There you are, Phil.. I've been looking for you." A familiar voice and accent said..

Phil turned around to see Germany. "Hey, Germany." Phil greeted. "Could you help me find my class? It's nearby I think."

"Yes, I was just there." He pointed out. "Give me a pass, so I and your teacher know you weren't really skipping class."

Philip gave him the pass that the nurse gave him, before leading Phil to his class..

As Germany and Philip entered the class, the glares of the students stabbed philip from the back..

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