To See The Breeze

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It was another day in Tok Aba's Kokotiam. New and old customers came in with specific beverages in mind, and Gopal was one of them. So it was nobody's surprise to see him skipping to the Kokotiam while humming Tok Aba's special drink.

Tok Aba himself barely spare a glance at the boy's direction when Gopal sauntered on his counter with a cheeky grin, unashamedly requested his usual special order.

"Hehe, thank you, Tok Aba!" The boy grinned before eyes wandered around to look for certain someone. "Uh, where's Boboiboy? Shouldn't he be here by now?"

Tok placed down his ordered drink, not even reacting to Gopal's internal squeal of joy on seeing the sweet chocolate drink. "He's here, over there under the tree. I told him to take a break today."

Gopal only looked at where Tok Aba had pointed after he took on a huge gulp of the drink. The corner of his lips was stained by the whipped cream, which he wiped it off using his his tongue. Disgusted by the action yet used to it, Tok Aba pushed a box of tissue closer to the boy. In which Gopal accepted it with a sheepish chuckle.

Gopal put his drink down and walked towards his best friend. As he came closer, he could see how tired his friend appeared, and even Ochobot shared the same tired state. He tilted his head aside, pondered what was going on, and questioned it out loud.

"Yo, Boboiboy! You look terrible. What's happened?"

To his surprise, the second boy and the Power Sphere sighed loudly.

"Tempest," they said at the same time.

Gopal blinked, feeling awkward at their behaviour. "H-Huh?"


Turned back the time to few hours ago, Boboiboy was screaming loudly as he was falling down terribly fast. He didn't know where he was falling or how he was even falling. Everything around him was white, and there was no literal wall or ceiling, not even floors. So how on earth was he falling down?!

"Heeey, calm down, kid," a feminine cheery voice called out at his side.

He snapped his head, surprised to see Tempest was smiling at him while also appeared to be falling down as well. They looked a bit different— smaller but still bigger than an average adult human. Though, Boboiboy can't notice the difference when he thinks he is plummeting to his death.


"That's me."

"Help! I'm falling—"

"No, not really," it said, arms folded over its chest. "I'm just giving you the sensation of falling, but you're not."



That was a relief.

"But you should get used to it quickly. Or else it might affect your body out there and can cause real casualty by affecting your mentality. "

That was not a relief.

Boboiboy looked at it desperately. "How!?"

It gave a cheeky smile. "Why? Use your power, of course!"

Boboiboy wanted to tell it he couldn't. His power watch was broken if they forgot about it. But hey, his life was at risk, and he wasn't going to let himself get more bandages when his wounds from Borara barely  healed.

With his life on the line, Boboiboy summoned his winds power with his signature call. Tempest was saying something about how it loved that phrase, but he paid no mind to them.

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