We're At a Place Called Vertigo

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It wasn't until 3pm rolled around when Charlie realized she hadn't seen Adam all day. Typically, he would be up and shouting at Vaggie by now, or stealing snacks from the breakfast buffet. Either way, there was no ignoring his presence, so for him not to show up, even into the latter half of the day left Charlie feeling concerned, to say the least.

"Vaggie... have you seen Adam today?" Charlie asks her girlfriend as she looks around the hotel lobby. During this time of day, most denizens of the hotel were off doing other duties they had, so it was usually just her and Vaggie at this time. However, Adam scarcely left the hotel, so him being gone was quite odd.

"Nah... it's been kinda nice actually."

"Vaggie!" Charlie pleads.

"Alright alright, I'm sorry," Vaggie responds, "I never saw him leave, he's still in hotel somewhere, have you checked his room?"

"No... I just kinda thought he would have left there by now..." Charlie wonders.

"Maybe not today though..." Vaggie realizes, considering the conversation they had last night, "We should probably go check on him."

"Really, you'd do that for him!?" Charlie gleams.

"Don't push it," Vaggie smirks.

The two make their way up to the third floor. It was quiet, usually Vaggie could hear the sound of a TV blaring rock music, or Adam laughing hysterically at youtube fail compilations. However, the halls of the hotel floor were silent. Approaching Adam's room, Charlie slowly opens the door, using her magic to unlock it. Upon entering, they see Adam wrapped in bed, his blanket tucked around his body and all the lights out. He stares deeply into his phone which was just a few inches from his face as he mindlessly scrolled through sinstagram.

"Heyyyy Adam," Charlie nervously enters.

"I thought I had that door locked," Adam responds, his voice muffled by the blanket.

"We thought you'd be up by now," Vaggie bluntly replies.

"Nope... still here..."

"So uhh... whatcha up to?" Charlie asks.  "I didn't realize you had a phone..."

"I stole it from Cherri," Adam quietly responds.

"WHERE THE FUCK IS MY PHONE!!!" The three heard coming from the floor below.

"We should probably get this back to her," Charlie nervously replies as she slowly takes the phone from Adam's hand. He struggles the tiniest bit, before just letting it happen, continuing to lay in bed.

"Well now I'm doing nothing..." Adam lays his head to the side, sinking it deeper into his pillow.

"Well if that's the case, how about we get up and do something, I've heard Vaggie's been even more of a cunt than usual today!"

"HEY! Don't throw me under the bus like that!" Vaggie whispers to Charlie.

"Well how else am I supposed to cheer him up?" Charlie whispers back.

"I can still hear you bitches," Adam mumbles.

"Well at least he's still misogynistic, I was starting to get worried."

Charlie sits down onto Adam's bed, hoping to at least get him standing up, "So uhhh... Adam, is there a reason you've been in bed all day?"

"Just thinkin'"

"Thinking about what?"

"Thinking about how everything I've ever thought about myself was a lie, and how every person I've ever loved never truly loved me back." Adam mumbles into the bed.

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