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KAZ BREKKER WAS A MONSTER. At least that was what they said, he was a coldhearted thief who would do anything for Kruge. The cold streets of Ketterdam's barrel told you everything you needed to know about the legend that was Dirtyhands, everyone knew his name.

Evilynn didn't need to be told though, she was well aware of the Barrel Bastard's reputation, some of it she'd even come up with herself. Though it had been a time since she'd seen Ketterdam, four months to be exact.

Now, she stood under the colorful tents of the Prismal Circus, on prized Kerch soil, Ketterdam's soil. It took a lot of will power for her not to burst out of the bright drapes and run to the crow club, play hands and finally see her friends again. Place empty bets with Jesper, talk  with Inej; but instead she was confined to her tassels and bright make-up.

Though she shouldn't be complaining, her current home, as temporary as it would find itself to be, was far better than the circumstances she'd lived through at Circus Elysium. That was where she'd first met Kaz, he needed a lead, and she had information; but she'd known he would get rid of her as soon as she'd served her purpose. So she spent every second proving she was worth keeping around, and somehow he saw potential in her, and eventually paid off her indentures. Though she wasn't technically free, she was under the hand of Kaz and the Dregs, but she was free enough to do as she pleased until she was needed, which was more then she'd ever had with Elysium.

So she spent her time with the Prismal, where she could still put her skill to good use. she'd spent too long with the thrill of the show to give it up completely.

she sat down beside the caged lion and reached her hand in the touch it's mane. The beast was like a pet to all the performers, apparently they'd taken it in as a cub, but that was long before she took residence there.

Suddenly, she heard footsteps approach her, not just any though; these hit the ground with a limp, and a metal cane clanked against the floor every second before a step was taken. Her lips began to turn up, but she willed myself not to turn around to face the figure.

"The show doesn't start for another hour." She waved a dismissive hand as his shadow cast over her.

"I need your help," There it was, not even a hello. Kaz only cared about the jobs, he'd never speak to her otherwise.

"Always do, don't you?" She finally turned her head to look at him; A slow, bored gesture of recognition. 

He cast her a warning glance, "be at the slat tomorrow."

"I'll be there," She leaned back against the metal bars that held the giant beast. "Will you be at the show tonight?" Her bare back stung against the cold metal, reminding her of the tattoos that littered it and the pinch of the needles that created them.

"Inej and Jesper will come to welcome you back to Ketterdam." Kaz leaned heavily on his crow headed cane, like he'd been injured.

"That's not what I asked, Brekker." She grinned, almost laughing at the stern boy in front of her.

"I'm a busy man," He shrugged, a careless look put on his face.

"even the Merchant council finds time to witness the impossible." She knew he was well aware of their show tricks, but she liked to push him.

"Well, give me a call when you're floating mid air."

"I'm on the Lyra tonight, about as close as I can get." She stood up, just barely shorter than him.

"An aerial hula-hoop, how entertaining." His eyes narrowed, but his smirk told her he was having at least the tiniest bit of fun in their banter.

"More entertaining than whatever you serve up at the Crow Club it seems. Won't it be a slow night with the circus in town? Gives you time to come see it for yourself."

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