Chapter 8

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I wake up with a groan as I stretch out. B grumbles and tightens his arms around me as he buries his face in my neck. I hum happily and roll over placing a hand on his cheek. He smiles at me as looks down at me placing a soft kiss to my lips. I hum and tuck my head under his chin more with a happy sigh. He just holds me close and rubs my bad.
"Morning Doll." He says in a sleepy voice.
"Morning B." I hum and draw on his chest.
"As much as I would love to lay here with you all day, we need to get up and get ready to go to your parents." He groans softly.
"I know we do." I say softly and try to scoot closer into his arms.
"Doll I don't think you can get any closer." He chuckles
"I can try." I whisper and tug his lips to mine and kiss him lightly.
"Doll." He moans softly and grips my hips tightly.
"B we should probably get up." I whisper.
He kisses me again before pulling away and heads to the bathroom to shower. I scowl and follow him into the shower. We don't do anything but clean up. After he gets dressed in his normal black clothes with his chains and his rings. I get dressed in the outfit in the photo above.
"You ready Doll?" He asks as we slip on our boots.
"Yep." I smile at him.
"Alright." He smiles and slips his hand into mine before we head to the truck.
He helps me in before walking around to the drivers side. He holds my hand on my leg as he pulls out the drive and heads down the road. He doesn't bother to ask me about food, he just pulls into a fast food joint and gets us food and coffee. I sip my coffee as he drives the 8 hours to new Orleans. I have fallen asleep with my head on his lap by the time we pull into my apartment complex.
"Doll, we're here baby." He says softly shaking me gently.
"Hmm." I groan but don't move.
"Come on doll." He coax me awake.
"Ugh." I grumble and sit up rubbing my eyes.
"Hey sleep good darling?" He asks smiling at me.
"Sorta." I yawn as he gets out then helps me out. He follows me to my apartment.
"Alright let's get you packed up." He says as I open my apartment door.
"I can start in my room and get all my clothes if you wanna start in the livingroom." I say sighing softly.
"Yeah I can do that." He chuckles at me and pulls me into a hug. I wrap my arms around him and huff softly.
I start working on the bedroom closet packing my clothes into garbage bags. There's a knock on the door which I hear B answering. I feel a set of tiny arms around my leg and look down and see my nephew. I laugh and pick him up hugging him tightly.
"Anty suzy!" He giggles as I place kisses all over his face.
"Mikey." I smile holding him tightly.
"Anny suzy!" I hear mazy squeal and I scoop her up on my other arm.
"Mazy!" I smile and walk into the livingroom.
"I see you have been attacked by your favorite munchkins." My sister says as I set them down and she hugs me.
"Why you here and wheres your man?" I ask her.
"Behind you." My brother in law Eric says making me jump.
"Ass!" I yelp and hit his chest.
"That's a dollar for the swear jar aunty!" Mikey giggles. I hear Brantleys deep chuckle from a few feet away
"Yeah yeah." I giggle rolling my eyes at him and hand him a buck.
"I'm rich!" He squeals and takes off running to his toys.
"Eric, lexi this is Brantley my boyfriend. B this is my idiot sister and her husband." I say smiling at him.
"We know who he is sis. Mommas been complaining about you finding a man for one and two she's asking for grandbabies." Eric laughs shaking his hand.
"That woman will get 'em when I feel like given 'em to her." I growl shaking my head.
"Doll." B growls looking at me with the warning look.
"What!?" I ask placing my hands on my hips.
"Behave." He shakes his head and crosses his arms.
I roll my eyes and walk off headed to finish packing up. B follows me and smacks my ass with a warning look before slipping into my bathroom to pack that up. My sister finishes up the front of my studio apartment, before we know it we have my stuff in the trucks and the furniture in the uhaul my sister rented. We all head out and I plug in my parents address. I'm still in a slightly bitchy mood about earlier.
"Babygirl you wanna get spanked later for your attitude?" He asks with a growl.
"Like to see you try." I mutter rolling my eyes.
"Fine." He pulls over and pulls me to his side.
"Hey-" I yelp but get cut off when he smacks my ass.
"What did you say." He growls deeply.
"Nothing." I whimper.
"Wrong. I repeat what did you say?" He asks getting ready to spank me again.
"I said I'd like to see you try." I squeak out.
"That's what I thought you said. For that you get two more pops." He growls spanking me twice. I let out a soft moan after the second one. "Now we gonna behave?"
"Yes sir." I whisper as he settles me next to him.
"Good girl." He says and places a soft kiss to my lips.
"I'm sorry." I whisper looking up at him.
"Im not mad Doll just irritated but you got your punishment. Now let's get to your mommas. I'm pretty sure lexi and Eric are wondering where we at." He says and pulls back onto the road.
'Girl you won't believe what B just did!' I text care and britt.
'Oh shit. What did you do!' Care responds.
'What she said.' Britt replies
'Got mouthy and he spanked my ass. I fucking moaned. I swear if he does that again I won't be able to control anything that happens next time.' I respond.
'Hot damn!' They both respond.
I giggle and shake my head. 'And last night oh man that man knows what he is doing.'
'You didnt!' Britt responds.
'We did and I couldn't walk well this morning.' I reply.
'Getting me all hot and bothered now girl!🥵🥵' Care says.
"What's so funny?" B asks smiling at me squeezing my thigh.
"The girls." I giggle resting my hand on his.
"Oh lord doll what are they planning?" He asks rolling his eyes.
"Nothing they are just teasing me about last night." I blush and try to hide my face.
"Don't you hide. I'm pretty sure you enjoyed it considering the state of my back." He laughs tugging me closer and wrapping his arm around my shoulders.
"Yeah and the finger shaped bruises on my hips shows the same enjoyment from you." I tease.
"Damn right I did woman." He smirks at me. I roll my eyes and my phone dings.
"We gonna stop in Birmingham." I inform him reading what lexi sent me.
"Ok so we got a few more hours why don't you try and rest." He says smiling at me.
"You sure?" I ask looking at him.
"Yes." He says turning the radio up to lull me to sleep. I nod and shift so im laying across the seat with my head on his leg as a pillow.
((Omg ikr finally))
I can't help but smile to myself, because damn this woman is gonna be the death of me. I shake my head and focus on the road resting my hand on her side. About an hour and a half later my phone rings through the truck she stirs but doesn't wake up.
"Hey Ko what's up man?" I ask mentally thanking the lord above she is a pretty heavy sleeper when she's exhausted.
"Nothing much just wanted to how you and Firecracker are?" Ko asks.
"We're good she is actually passed out on my leg as we head towards her parents." I say as I switch lanes.
"You driving through or stopping somewhere?" He asks me.
"Gonna stop in Bama for the night then finish the drive in the morning." I respond and glance at Suzy.
"Fair it's what like a nine hour drive?" He asks.
"Yep. Hey tell momma I said hi and that I love her. I gotta go were pulling into the hotel." I say.
"Alright night brother tell her I said hi." He says
"Of course man. Night." I respond and then he hangs up.
I pull in and put the truck in park smiling down at her. I shake my head and slide out making sure I don't wake her up. I quickly go in and get two rooms before running out and getting our bag then open her door. I pick her up onto my arms and she sighs softly snuggling into my chest. I smile and we make our way to the rooms. I put her in bed before passing Eric the key for their room.
"You didn't have to pay for it man." Eric says.
"Yeah I know but I wanted to as a thank you for helping her pack her stuff." I say.
"Well Alright. Imma help lexi get the kid's to bed. We'll text her in the morning when we are headed down for breakfast." He says.
"Night." I say and strip out of my clothes placing my rings in me ball cap before sliding into bed next to her.
"B." She mutters snuggling close.
"Go back to sleep Doll." I chuckle and kiss her head before drifting off to sleep.
"M'kay." She whispers and i notice her breath starts to even out.
I smile and kiss her head as I pass out next to her. I wake up and reach out for doll but i just feel a slightly warm bed. I look around and see her sitting on the couch in just my shirt. I smile and get up walking over to her. she doesnt look up from her song book as she writes furiously. I chuckle and kiss her head before going to shower. I notice her jump up and follow me to the bathroom.
"You think you can shower with out me outlaw?" She asks with a smirk.
"You were focused I didn't wanna distract you doll." I chuckle.
"Nope not happening we're going in there together." She says striping off my shirt and climbing into the shower.
"Woman!" I growl and slip in behind her.
"B." She giggles as I push her against the shower wall.
"Did you really think I wasn't gonna do something here?" I ask kissing her neck making her moan.
"Please." She whimpers.
"Please what?" I ask wanting her to beg for me.
"Please fuck me." She whimpers out as she pulls me into a heated kiss.
"Yes ma'am." I say and slowly slide into her with a soft grunt.
"Oh fuck B." She moans out meeting me thrust for thrust.
"Oh fuck." I grunt and she claws at my back.
"Oh god B I'm close." She crys out throwing her head back.
"I'm right with you Babygirl." I grunt.
"Oh fuck!" She exclaims arching into me more.
"Babygirl!" I moan loudly as i suck on her boob and play with the other. I feel her finish around me which makes me finish hard.
"Shit B." She pants catching her breath and i brace myself against the shower so we dont fall.
"Fuck doll. We might wanna actually shower and hurry up." I chuckle.
"Yeah sounds good but I might need help standing after that." She mumbles against my chest.
I laugh and we wash up, afterwards I sit her on the bed and toss clothes her way so she can get dressed. I get dressed and put my rings and chains back on then slip my hat on backwards. I pack up the bags and she jumps on my back and we head down to breakfast. Her sister laughs at us but says nothing. I set her down and pay before taking our bags to the truck before coming back to eat.
"So what's with her?" Eric asks.
"She can't walk very well." I smirk and she hits my chest.
"Really guys!" Lexi laughs.
"What I wasn't gonna let him shower alone." She giggles and hides her smile with her coffee cup.
"What do you want to eat?" I ask.
"Eggs, bacon and toast." She says.
"On it." I smile and kiss her before getting up and getting food.
"Mommy what is uncle B and Aunty talking about?" Mikey asks us making Doll almost spit out her coffee.
"How about we'll tell you when your older." Lexi laughs.
"Fine." He drawls out.
"What's so funny Doll?" I ask her.
"I'll explain later B." She blushes and takes her food from me and eats.
"I'm lost." I say shaking my head but decide to eat and wait till later to see what's going on.
"Later baby I promise." She says looking at me.
"Ok." I respond and pull my phone out of my pocket as it dings.
'Hey BG how's firecracker?' Jason asks me.
'She got her ass spanked last night.' I reply.
'Brother what the hell!?' Luke says.
'She was getting smart with me so I spanked her.' I reply.
'Of course she would. I've warned her that her mouth is gonna get her in trouble.🤣😂' Jason replies.
'Gotta go but I'll let you know when we get to her parents then home.' I reply before slipping my phone back into my pocket.
My phone buzzes but I ignore it and wrap my arm around her shoulders. She subconsciously leans into my side making me smile. We continue making small talk before we decide we should head out to her parents place. I got to help her into the truck but she skillfully jumps into my truck.
"Damn babygirl." I laugh.
"Dollar for the swear jar uncle B." She and Mikey giggle looking at me. I look at Mikey shocked for a second before handing him a dollar.
"Did he seriously call me uncle B?" I ask her.
"Yes now hurry up baby." She smiles.
"Alright." I close her door and climb in the truck.
"So um about what Mikey said." She giggles, "He asked about what we went by showering together."
"Oh so that's why you were redder then a tomato." I tease.
"Shut up ass." She laughs and scoots to the middle.
"You sure your parents are gonna like me?" I ask her as I throw my arm over her shoulders.
"If you got my sisters and the two munchkins aproval then I think momma will love you. Daddy however is gonna try and scare you off." she says.
"Wouldn't be the first one." I however stop myself from saying but it will be the last.
She turns on the radio and turns it up as she sings along to sweet child of mine. I can't help but smile happily as we make our to her parents home. I can't help to think to myself that I'm lucky she chose me of all people. Hell she knows my past but doesn't shy away from me. She accepts me demons and all. I'm pulled out of my thoughts as her phone dings continuously. I look over at her to see her typing feriously with a grin on her face.
"Doll." I say making her eyes snap in my direction.
"Mommas excited to meet you. Daddy is hesitant." She smiles then turns back to her phone.
"That makes me feel great" I say my voice dripping with sarcasm.
"Brantley Keith they will love you I promise." She says resting her hand on my leg and kissing my cheek.
She is off in her own little world until we pull into the driveway but before I can throw it in park she is already out of the truck and hugging her dad. I climb out and stop at the hood of my truck waiting for her. She looks back at me and smiles before walking over and hugging me. I hug her and place a kiss on the top of her head before letting her lead me to her parents.
"Mom, dad this is BG, B this is my mom Cindy and dad Ryan." She says.
"Nice to meet you Mr and Mrs. Boyer." I reply shaking her dad's hand and her mom hugs me.
"Enough of that it's momma Cindy Brantley." Momma Cindy says.
"Right. Angel said the same to suzy." I chuckle smiling at her.
"Your mom loves me B." She laughs and tucks herself into my side.
"Uncle B!" Mikey yells and I bend down and scoop him up.
"Hey bud." I chuckle tucking Suzy into my side again as her parents lead us inside.
"Wow did my own nephew ditch me for my boyfriend." She teases Mikey.
"Never aunty you still are my favorite. Just don't tell nana and papa." He whispers giggling.
"Good." She smiles and steals him from me.
"Brantley do you mind?" Ryan asks nodding to the garage.
"Daddy be nice please." She says softly looking at him.
"I will princess." He smiles and kisses her forehead.
"B just remember what I told you." She says and kisses me softly.
"I know Doll." I smile and then follow him out.
"Son what is your intentions with my daughter." Ryan asks staring me down.
"Honestly sir I know it sounds weird but when her and I met almost five months ago. I was immediately caught by her, she told me everything in her past. Hell she knows all the stupid shit that I did and yet she chooses to be with me. So I was hoping to get your permission to propose to her when the time is right." I say, this man maybe five foot eleven and built like a line backer but it's my girls father imma feel intimidated.
"Son she and her sister are my world. But I see the way you look at each other and I can tell you I have never seen her look at a man that way. So yeah when the time is right go for it but you hurt her ill shoot your ass." He says clapping me on the shoulder.
"Understood sir. But let me tell you something that woman has made me a better man with out realizing it." I say dropping my head with a small smile.
"They always do." He chuckles.
"Daddy, momma says lunch is ready." I hear my girls voice say from the garage door.
"Coming." Ryan says and leaves us to talk.
"Oh B what did he say?" She asks placing a hand on my chest.
"Nothing bad babygirl." I smile at her and then kiss her.
"Come on lets go eat." She smiles and leans into my side as we make it inside.
We eat and make small talk about life. Doll is getting picked on by Lexi and Eric but I can't help to laugh at it. I rest my arm on her chair listening to them banter back and forth. After a while Mikey asks to be excused and Lexi let's him go play. Suzy, Lexi and momma clean up the dishes while we head to the livingroom and turn on the game playing. I'm to focused on our conversation that I don't notice Doll rest her hands on my shoulders.
"Hey B." She says softly placing a kiss to my cheek.
"Hey doll sorry didn't hear you come in." I smile at her and place a hand on hers before turning back to the conversation.
"It's ok." She says and moves to the floor where Mazy is playing.
"Anny." She squeals and crawls to her.
"Hi princess." She smiles and scoops her into her lap and plays with her.
"So Brantley where are yall headed from here?" Momma asks sitting next to Ryan.
"Back to my hometown in Georgia." I say looking at momma then back to Doll with a smile.
"Small town Georgia boy huh?" She asks.
"Yes ma'am was raised in Jefferson georgia. When I made it in music I decided to build a home back in Georgia. Couldn't do the big city livin' definitely was not me." I chuckle.
"Don't let that sweet smile fool you momma." Doll says making her way to me with mazy.
"What do you mean babygirl?" Momma asks as doll sits on my lap with our neice.
"Maybe a country boy but he's got a rebel side." She says snuggling close to me and I wrap my arms around them.
"Doll why do you gotta spill my secrets." I tease.
"Oh and he's a huge cuddler and teddy bear when comes to kids and me." She giggles making me laugh and grumble in her ear.
"Woman you gonna so get punished for this later." I whisper in her ear and she flashes me a grin.
"Hank!" Doll calls and he comes running over laying right in front of us.

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