6| siblings bonding

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The talk with Joseph made my mind less anxious but I am still confused by my dreams. I don't know what should I do next. I do think I must talk to my brothers but how will it help me out. I don't want to take more medicines at all. I feel nauseous after taking these medicines. The weather had suddenly turned windy and I felt it was going to rain and so I paced up to home to see grandma sitting on the couch while mom was getting ready to go somewhere.

"Good morning honey? Where were you? I was so worried about you."

"Just a small walk mom."

"Is everything alright?"

"yes mom.", I went up to grandma and laid my head on her lap.

"Good morning grandma"

"Good morning sweetie" she pecked my cheeks and moved her fingers across my hair.

"grandma, what are you doing?"

"well, you know, when your father was young, he would always ask me to make sweaters for him and that too which were knitted by me. It started with him and now, I make it for everyone but I never made it for you so I thought to make one."

"aww thanks grandma! It looks beautiful." She hugged her

"but I just started it. How do you know, its beautiful?"

"because everything you make is beautiful grandma."

Time skip

Dante pov

Wow! I never knew pregnancy is so difficult. Valentina seems to have so many mood swings. She woke me up around 3 am to buy burger! Well, all I can do is to give her all. I will always support her. We finally know the gender of our child and it will be revealed in tomorrow's party. We postponed as it was truly difficult to arrange so many things in a single day and we have a list of people to invite without whom celebration holds no value.

However I am extremely worried about Giana. She had been acting a bit distant and withdrawn lately, spending more time in her room and less time engaging in family activities. I feel something is wrong.

After some careful thought, I came up with the perfect plan – I would take Giana on a small picnic to our favorite spot by the lake. I know that she loved being outdoors and that the peaceful setting would be the perfect way to relax and unwind. Plus, I hope that the one-on-one time together would give us a chance to reconnect and talk about what was bothering her.

"may I come in?" he knocked on Giana's door as she hummed in response

"hey sissy! What's up?"

"fine what about you?" she was writing something on a dairy. i didn't want to peek so I decided to sit on the bed

"I am absolutely great. You know what, we got the gender reveal results"

"Really?" she stood up from the chair and walked towards the bed and sat next to him.

"what is it??"

"you got to wait till tomorrow."

"OH NO! I am your sister, at least tell me please!"

"no no! it's a surprise for all of you. by the way, what do you think is it? Guesses?"

"I am so surrounded by weird brothers so I wish for a sister. Technically, I would be her aunt but it doesn't matter. There is no way I am being called an aunt at such a young age." Dante laughed at the last statement but frowned at the word "weird brothers"

"what do you mean by weird brothers? Do you even know how much reputation we have?"

"Mr. Dante, that's outside this house, otherwise you are my weird brother who was the first to make me so comfortable."

She remembered the incident at the restaurant they had gone and how he had helped her from a man and took care of her when everyone behaved indifferent with her. From that day she knew, she would connect most with him.

"that is true. Would you like to outside with me? A small picnic thing?"

"Sure! What about others?"

"no, just you and me... it's been long since we have gone together."

"alright! Give me 10 minutes and I'll get ready."

"okay, I'll be downstairs."

Time skip

As they drove to the lake in Dante's car, Giana sat quietly staring out the window. He could tell that she was lost in her own thoughts, and he made a mental note to bring up the topic once they were at the picnic spot. She was all fine a while ago and now seemed so off. 

When they arrived, Giana's face lit up at the sight of the shimmering water and the lush green trees surrounding them. Dante smiled to himself, knowing that he had made the right decision.

They set up their picnic blanket on the grassy shore and unpacked the sandwiches, fruit, and lemonade that he had prepared. As they ate, the sound of birds chirping and the gentle rustling of leaves in the breeze filled the air. Giana seemed to relax a bit, and Dante was relieved to see a small smile playing on her lips.

After they finished eating, Dante suggested taking a walk along the lake shore. she hesitated at first, but then nodded and got up to join him. The sun was warm on their skin, and the cool breeze off the water felt refreshing. They walked in comfortable silence for a while, until he finally spoke up.

"Giana, I've noticed that you've been a bit quiet and off lately. Is everything okay?" he asked gently.

She looked down at her feet, kicking the pebbles on the path. "I don't know. I just feel...lost, I guess. Like I'm not sure where I'm supposed to be or what I'm supposed to do."

He nodded understandingly. He had gone through his own periods of uncertainty and doubt, and he knew how overwhelming it could be. 

"It's okay to feel that way, Giana . Sometimes we all need a little time to figure things out and find our way. But just know that I'm here for you, no matter what."

Giana looked up at him, her eyes shining with unshed tears. 

"Thank you so much. I really appreciate that." They hugged each other tightly, the bond between them stronger than ever.

As they continued their walk, he pointed out the different birds and plants they saw along the way, sharing bits of trivia and stories to make Giana laugh. By the time they reached the end of the trail, she was smiling more freely and her eyes were no longer clouded with worry.

As they made their way back to the picnic spot, Giana turned to Dante and said, "Thank you for this. I needed it more than I realized."

He smiled back at her, his heart full of love and gratitude. "Anytime, Sissy. Remember, we're in this together. And no matter what, I'll always be here to take you on a picnic and make you smile."

And as they moved towards the car, the sun setting in a blaze of orange and pink, he knew that their bond as siblings was unbreakable, and that they would always have each other's backs no matter what life threw their way.


to be continued...

Step Family (Book 1 And Book 2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon