Bonus Chapter

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A little bonus chapter before the sequel starts :)

This bonus chapter includes little moments of Jack and Jacie's wedding that did not fit in the actual epilogue, but I still wanted to share. The moments aren't important to the plot, so it's not an official chapter. But, considering what they've gone through, I figured they needed their time to shine. So, enjoy while you wait for the next sequel!


As the first course of our dinner came to an end and the plates were being taken away, my dad stood up from his seat next to me. All of our guests and us were sitting around round tables. Jack and I were at one with his parents and my dad, giving us a bit of extra space with only five people around a table that could have seated seven. Everybody else had been grouped in circles where people knew each other.

I was both excited and terrified to see what my dad had planned. He was adamant on making a speech and went all out. Although I didn't know the contents, I knew a projector was involved, and that could only mean one thing – pictures.

My dad got a microphone and took his position at the front of the room, clearing his voice, "hello, everyone!"

The crowd slowly fell silent, waiting to hear what he had to say. He let everybody finish their conversations and gave a warm smile.

"For everybody that doesn't know," he started and briefly pointed at me, "I'm Jacie's dad and this day has been all for me since Jack and Jacie were selfish enough not to include anybody two years ago. And, well, Jacie's my oldest child and only daughter, so missing her wedding just wasn't in the cards for me."

A playful glint danced in his eyes as he continued, "now that I get the chance to stand up here, how can I pass up the golden opportunity to publicly embarrass her?"

"Brace yourself," I told Jack, taking his hand in mine and letting them rest intertwined on his lap. He laughed, eager to see the spectacle that was about to unfold.

"Okay, let's take a trip down memory lane..." my dad switched to the next slide, a photo of the two of us projected largely. A tiny baby me was in his arms. He looked much younger, only a bit older than I currently was. "This photo was taken twenty-four years ago to the day. Jacie had been home with us for only a few days by then. Every time I got to hold her was a magical moment, as terrifying as it was. Nothing could have prepared me for the years to come."

"The early years were filled with us figuring things out together. The treacherous waters of learning how to braid hair," he pulled up a photo where I couldn't be older than three, sitting in his lap as he looked incredibly focused yet confused as he attempted to do my hair. "Amazing tea parties where I was almost always the guest of honour." Another photo joined up on the screen. This time, it was around a low table, my dad sitting at it on the floor while my large elephant plush got the small chair. "And of course, dance parties." He had turned a short clip of us bouncing around the living room into a gif.

"From then on the house was never quiet." We got to see little five year old me banging on the drum kit my mom had gotten me at that age. "And I mean never." A few more photos popped up. One of me around the age of seven playing the piano, another one where I must have been a ten-year-old version of me with pigtails rocking out on a guitar, fourteen-year-old me with a bass on my lap for the first time grinning at the camera, and even a sneaky photo of me in my bedroom just a few years ago, working on producing a song.

"But, hey, I should have known," the slide switched to a much younger me again, wearing oversized sunglasses and a sparkly tiara, making the entire room laugh, "you've always had that superstar quality, rocking those shades like a true diva."

J.A.C.I.E.'s World (All Time Low Fanfiction | Jack Barakat)Where stories live. Discover now