The End of the Beginning

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We've reached the end The Purpose of Miss Shepley, but if you want more, fear not! Edith's story goes on!

And on...

And on...

For three more books, to be precise. And you can read them now -- FREE and AD-FREE! -- on Ream. All you have to do is point your browser to and click the big purple Follow button. If you don't already have an account, the prompts will walk you through the rest.

Why Ream? you might ask.

Well, it's secure, it's free, it's a heck of a lot easier than building my own website, and it gives us a space to actually talk to each other  -- without a bunch of ads or algorithms getting in the way. Also, as a subscription platform, it allows readers to support my work directly.

Oh, you might think. So, this is a sales pitch.

This is not a sales pitch!

I do offer some subscriber perks, if one should feel generously inclined, but that's not my angle here. I still have a lot of work to do -- what you have been reading is only my first draft -- and writing is so often a lonely road. I'm just asking for the pleasure of your company. :)The Unfinished Wyrm is free to read and will remain so until I pull the story down for publishing (and that's when the sales pitch will start).

Thank you for reading the beginning of Edith's story -- and hope to see you on Ream for the rest!

-- <3 AB

The Purpose of Miss ShepleyWhere stories live. Discover now