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~Hello everyone it is Ash here! I am writing MY story since I know you ALL love Ash! Right? Right, I mean who can't love me? I'm the one that ruins all the sweet moments and cause cliff-hangers. BUT you still love meeeeee. So I am writing (As a suprise for Lance) my story!

Pic- Brad


"You have practically screwed all the guys in the school Ash."

My mind wandered in and out of focus and I suddenly realized that Lance was talking. Glancing up, I looked at him and gave a huge smile. Nodding ,I continued to daydream not even taking note of what he had just said.

"Are you even listening?" Lance's voice strained slightly, as it usually did when he was needy for attention.

"I'm listening to you. I'm just also ignoring you to think about last night." Lance looked at me and I gave him a smirk and lifted my eyebrows in a knowing way. Apparently, when I was zoned out he had said something important.

My eyes widened as Lance pushed me, resulting in my feet twisting up and I hitting the ground with a thud. Lance's eyes bore into mine and I tripped him as he tried to run away.

"That is what I am saying! You never listen to me. Y-you man whore!" Lance looked at me and we both started laughing. I am not a man whore, you just refuse to accept the fact that im trying out the product. Product as in men because I mean the world was like a giant store of men. YUM.

"I'm not a whore Jenna!" My playful smile came out and I jumped onto Lance making him fall to the ground as he tried to stand up again. Needless to say, we both failed to acknowledge that we were rolling around in front of the school doors.

Grunts and groans came from Lance as I quickly regained my dominance and sat on him. My arms crossed and my face in a pout. "Take it back!"

"NEVER!" Lance shouted.

"YES." I yelled back.

Lance grew silent and I looked down at him. His eyes glued to Spencer, Lance's newest boy toy to be. Scoffing ,I rolled off Lance and started making kissy noises. My eyes glinted with mischief and I stood up running towards Spencer.

"Oh Spency!" I shouted before Lance could even comprehend what was going on. My footsteps soon came to a stop though when my eyes landed on a new student. Lance, close behind me ran into my back and gave a smirk.

"Oh no don't even look the new guy. Man whore."

"I am not a man whore!" My voice yelped, a little more loudly than I had hoped. The new guy had looked up and gave a small smirk at Lance and me. Oh great he is looking at me! Oh god, oh god! Don't look at meeeeeeee!"

"Hey gay wads stop mind speaking or whatever you're doing."

Spencer's voice was unusual to hear so early in the morning, but my good nature ruining moments mind was kicking in. "Hey you're going to be gay one day tooo~" My voice gave a singing tune and I smirked.

My eyes went back to the new kid but I grimaced when I saw disgust flash through his eyes as he looked towards Miley and Clara. Miley and Clara were the first and only lesbian couple in the school. Everyone loved them but as I looked at the new kid, I could tell he hated gays, or that's what it looked like to me from this distance.

"Don't worry Lancey! I won't kiss Spency before you!" I said in a teasing voice as Lance started to talk to Spencer. Luckily, they couldn't hear me. My new task is befriending the new kid. Homophobic or not.

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