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"Starting here i won't number this book on daily but rather by pages only to save time and space from daily new page creation."

Lust: Sexual Gluttony.

Fool: Someone who don't know what he is doing.

(Subconscious Inspiration): An inspiration from a previous perception where one can't remember exactly what thing or experience this inspiration comes from cause it lies beneath the surface of consciousness.

Label: Idea of something.

Want: The need to satisfy a desire.

Life: A short vacation to existence.

(The old love dilemma): The person we like don't like us, and the person that likes us we don't like.

Bozos: People who know a lot but can't do anything.

(The law of action): States that whether you believe on something or not; if you take action, you will get results.

(Fake knowledge): Information that you don't understand but pretend to know.

Opinion: Subjective truth.

Complaining: Adults version of babies crying.

Truth: As it is.

Belief: Artificial truth.

Hater: Pessimist supporter.

Luck: Timing by chance.

Want: Subjective need.

Need: Objective want.

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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