chapter one

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I'm finnley, I'm basically perfect. at least that's what I think.


beep beep be- I lazily shut off my alarm before it could continue making it's loud beeping noise. Sitting up from my bed I stretched, throwing my arms up above my head, yawning obnoxiously. I looked at my alarm once more to check the time, the clock read 5:57. I guess I'll take a quick shower because I'm not a stank ass.

I quickly got up out of bed to go take a shower. Entering my bathroom I got butt-naked and stepped in the shower, turning the cold water on fully and the hot water on almost a quarter full.

After finishing my quick shower, I got a white towel to dry and wrap myself in just in case a freak walked into my room, I went back into my bedroom to get dressed.

When I returned to my room I got dressed in a cute outfit and did my hair, I exited my bedroom and started walking to the stairwell to go downstairs for my breakfast.

"wait!" an oddly quiet voice spoke to me, causing me to turn around, nobody was there. Huh, thats strange, I'm an only child and my parents are downstairs. I'm probably imagining stuff.

"g'morning mom and dad" I greeted my dear parents who were doing their separate things as usual, my mother was watering her plants, and my father who was reading the newspaper. I pulled out a chair and sat down to eat my breakfast, buttered toast with strawberry jelly and a glass of almond milk, my absolute favorite.

After I finished eating my breakfast and washed my dish, I decided to go back in my bedroom and finish getting ready for school. I brushed and flossed my pearly whites before doing my skincare routine, I fixed up my hair as it got a little messed up from moving around. I put on my socks and shoes before grabbing my bag.

I unplugged my phone from the charger; checking the time, the clock read 7:40. I guess I'll go to school now. I left my bedroom and walked down the stairs. I bid my parents a farewell before exiting my house.

I was about halfway to school before I had to cross a road, I looked both ways and I put one foot in front of the other about to start walking across the street before I heard the same strange voice
"stop, don't go on the road"

I quickly stepped back onto the sidewalk and almost a second later a car came speeding across the street making me jump back as it hit the curb.

"what the fuck even was that?" I muttered as I looked around not forgetting that tiny voice that told me to step back, nobody was near me. I walked across the road and I felt a pleasantly cold breeze throwing me off guard because it is 70°f/21°c. Why did I feel a breeze..? "Fuck this shit" I spoke to myself now speed walking to school.

Eventually I arrived at school. I have a lot of friends but I have one particular friend that I'm close with Nevaeh, I walked to her and I obviously started gossiping to her about random drama. I started shit talking about one of my friends Ophelia because why not.

"yeah she's so annoying, she tries way to hard to be funny, like, if your actually funny you shouldn't have to try" "yeah, and her makeup is fucking horrendous, like,she doesn't even blend it" Nevaeh added on and I nodded my head in agreement. We continued trash talking Ophelia until I said "shes a complete loser, shes probably has like, pube lice or something" I rumoured and Nevaeh and me laughed.

Eventually the bell rung indicating school has started and I walked away from Nevaeh to go to my first hour, geography. I entered the class and sat down in a seat. I then decided to go on my phone to text people.

Ophelia                                                                     Finnley

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Ophelia                                                                     Finnley


Nothing much Hbu

Same girl

Btw I heard a little rumor

that you have herpes?


Who told you that?

Because I don't have herpes!

A little birdie ;)

Anyways who's your crush?

I like '_______'

After texting Ophelia the bell rang indicating second period was starting soon. Before I got out of my seat I wrote on the table with pen 'Ophelia needs to wash her dookie stank ass' I giggled after writing it. I exited the classroom heading for my second period.

Eventually it was lunch, I walked towards the table with my favorite friend group and sat down before speaking.


Cliffhanger! 😜

Sorry if it sucks.

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