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it had been a couple of months—and aaliyah and notti were inseparable. there wasn't a time where you caught both of them alone, they were always together.

notti decided to do something special for aaliyah today—she had been having a hard week, so he decided to take the two to a light festival—but there was also something he needed to do while they were there.

notti had decided that they needed alone time anyways—the two had been with everybody else these past weeks, so why not do something nice with aaliyah just one on one?

"aaliyah slow down." notti said watching his girlfriend run to the entrance—as soon as aaliyah noticed where they were going, she couldn't sit still in the car.

"sorry." aaliyah said speedwalking back to notti before she interlinked their arms—"cmon notti! it'll be crowded if we don't hurry." aaliyah said dragging notti to the entrance. it was last november, so it was alright dark outside.

notti made sure that aaliyah dressed warmly for the occasion, moreover him that only had on a jacket and some ear muffs. "ma we gon make it slow down." notti said as aaliyah slowed herself down.

notti quickly gave the man their tickets as they walked into the entrance. aaliyah was amazed at all of the lights—she was like a child in a candy factory.

notti just admired the girl, she was shining in the lights—and he really couldn't get enough of aaliyah. "can we go over here?" aaliyah said pointing to the blue lights, before notti got the chance to react aaliyah was already pulling them over there.

aaliyah stood infront of the lights as she examined each and every one of them—notti was looking at the lights aswell, but he was mainly focused on aaliyah.

"they're so pretty notti." aaliyah said looking at her boyfriend who was staring her down. aaliyah looked at notti with a confused face before she smiled a bit. "what?" aaliyah asked as notti shook his head quickly.

"let's go to the gold one." notti suggested pointing to the gold and white lights besides the blue ones as aaliyah nodded following him over there.

besides the gold and white lights was a decorated arch with a bench under it that notti noticed—he then felt the box inside his pocket making sure it was still there.

"can we sit for a second, my feet hurt." notti said as aaliyah nodded—notti was just trying to make sure nobody else sat there while he did what he needed to do.

notti took him and aaliyah over to the bench as they quickly sat down—notti leaned back in the seat as aaliyah was still examining the lights infront of them.

"you havin fun?" notti asked as aaliyah nodded eagerly—"you look cold tho." aaliyah said taking her hands out of her coat as she grabbed notti's before rubbing her hands with his trying to warm them up.

notti just laughed at aaliyah, the girl always managed to make him laugh—"can i give you my scarf?" aaliyah asked about to take it from around her neck, but notti quickly stopped her while shaking his head.

"i'm not cold aaliyah." notti said as aaliyah slowly nodded before sitting back in the seat—she scooted closer to notti while she laid her head on his chest.

notti just wrapped his arms around aaliyah as they sat there in comfortable silence—notti then reached into his pocket as he pulled out the small box.

"aaliyah." notti said as aaliyah slightly lifted her head up looking at her boyfriend. "can i say somethin." notti said as aaliyah quickly nodded. whatever notti needed to say was important, everything he said was important to aaliyah.

"go ahead." aaliyah said reassuringly as notti sighed—he was feeling the same nervousness that he did when he first asked aaliyah to be his girlfriend.

"i love you." notti said about to speak some more, but he quickly paused making aaliyah sit up straight—"i love you more, what's wrong?" aaliyah asked a bit nervous now, notti was acting a bit odd—so now she wasn't sure what to expect.

"no like..i love you a lot." notti said as aaliyah slowly nodded while her smile became a bit bigger. "and i love you too." aaliyah said as notti then pulled out the box.

aaliyah just looked at the box before she tilted her head a bit—"are you proposing?" aaliyah asked a bit loudly as notti put his hand on his forehead before shaking it a bit.

"no nigga." notti said as him and aaliyah started laughing. "i appreciate everything you did for me, and i know i don't show it, but i do love you a lot." notti said as aaliyah put her hand over her heart dramatically. she knew how hard it was for notti to express his feelings—so for the boy to be doing it right now made her have butterflies in her stomach.

"that was cute." aaliyah said as she ran her fingers through notti's hair—notti didn't know what else to say as he started scratching behind his head awkwardly. "but i got you a promise ring." notti said as he then opened the box.

aaliyah just examined the ring with a frown on her face—she was to close to crying right on the spot. she loved hearing notti express himself.

"this is so cute notti!" aaliyah said as she took her glove off so notti could put on the ring—notti quickly took the ring out of the box as he slowly slid it on aaliyah's finger. aaliyah put her hand out where the light was shining on it as she just kept on examining it.

"i love it, and i love you!" aaliyah said as she quickly threw her hands around notti pulling him into a tight hug—notti felt like a huge weight lifted off his shoulder. he was being nervous for no reason.

aaliyah wasn't much of a materialistic, even a handmade note would have her boohoo crying—it was just the thought and principle about the situation. and she was never gonna take it off.

"i just want you to know right now, every picture i take of myself? this ring will be in it word to." aaliyah said as she then held up her hand again.

"i'm in the promise ring stage!" aaliyah said as she stood up from the bench doing a small dance—notti just laughed at his girlfriend. he was happy that aaliyah was happy.

but hey! moral of the story? if you want it, be like aaliyah and get it. 😉


OH MY GAHHHHHH YALLLLLLL i really cannot express how much gratitude and greatfulness i have for all of yall, this sorry really changed my perspective of shit and it's just like ughhh i cant believe how much of yall enjoy this book as much as i do, it just feels like yesterdays when this book only had around 500 views, now it's at 111K 😭. i really do love yall fr and i couldn't of did this without yall!!!!!! MWAHHHHH 💋💋💋

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