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Four days later

I haven't seen Tom in five days. He haven't called me, haven't texted me. And that's getting me worried.

These five days were really long, not because I had something to do, but because I didn't know what to do. I tried not to think about Ryle, I really did.

But every time I try not to think about him, all our memories crashes into my head, and it makes me sick.

"I love you so much." He presses his forehead against my own, and I close my eyes, when I feel his hands cup my cheeks.

Every time I close my eyes I see him. I hate this. I hate this so much.

"I trusted you!" I yell at him, my eyes were red from crying. He made me believe he was in love with me, and I actually believed our love was real.

"Nora, I love you, please don't leave me." He pleaded with his raspy voice from crying, and I shook my head, taking a deep breath.

"You love me? Look where we are right now! You made a fucking deal! I was just a deal!" I yell at him again, and he takes a few steps towards me, grabbing my hands, I tried to pull away from him, but he pulled me closer, crashing out lips together.

Fuck this, and fuck him.

I was laying on my side, in my comfy bed, trying to close my eyes and go to sleep, but I just couldn't.

I grab my phone that was near me, and with my hands shaking, I dial one person's number, that I miss so much.

Bringing the phone to my ear, I close my eyes again, with the hope that he will answer, and maybe we could spend some time together. I need him right now, I need him so much.

The phone rings three times before he finally answers, and then I hear his soft voice.

"Nora?" He asks and I try everything, not to let out a sob. I was so happy he picked up. "Are you crying?" He asks again, and I take a deep breath before speaking.

"Can you come over? Please." I bite my lower lip, waiting for his answer. Please. Please. Please come over.

The line goes quiet for some time, before I hear him sigh, and some other voices in the background. "I'm sorry Nora, I can't. We're on a tour." I then hear him groan and my heart drops.

Why haven't he told me?

"Oh." I feel like crying harder, still confused If I'm angry or sad. He could've called me. Actually he could've texted me, because I haven't talked to him five days. Five fucking days.

"Don't be sad, I promise you, I'll call you every time I have have a chance, okay?" He promises, making it even harder not to cry.

"When are you coming back?" I finally ask, I'm not that dumb to think that tours are for at least five days. Usually they are to two-five months, but thinking that makes me sick. I want to see him as soon as possible. God - I want to hug him.

I don't know what's happening to me, we are nothing special, but I'm feeling so attached to him, I want to see him everyday, I want to hug him everyday. Friends don't think that, do they?

"I don't know, maybe in two months." He says with his soft voice, and I close my eyes. Three fucking months? What am I suppose to do without him for three months. "I know what you're thinking, I promised you, that I'll call you everyday Nora, don't be sad." He reassures me.

"Okay." I roll over, on the other side of the bed, and when we end the call after more talking, I hang up and take my pillow in my hands, groaning in it.

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