The meeting

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"Yugo we are almost arrived at the Sadida kingdom" Ruel said while driving in his truck.

"Oh right" yugo replied with an anxious look on his face.

"Are you okay Yugo?" Ask Eva, she was worried about him.
-yeah it's just..I can't wait to meet her you know! It's been quite a while but I don't know how she would feel seeing me like this.
-why isn't that a good thing? You guys can finally be together, you've been in love for so long and the opportunity is here now!!
-you're right, when we arrive I'll talk to her.

They finally arrive to the sadidas kingdom. The gangs will finally be complete with amalia.

"Eva!!" Said Amalia with enthusiasm

They hugged each other, after all it's been two whole years since the Oropo incident. When they go out of the dimension, Amalia's father had passed away and she had to do so much duties with her brother who's now king.

" even Ruel's here!? Did you guys had to give him kamas for that" she said with a malicious laugh

-hey ! I can't just visit my friend without them thinking I need money for it ?!" Ruel said knowing they definitely had to pay him to drive all the way.

Amalia was laughing she knew that enutriof
was not telling the truth story then she paused and ask-
"Hey where's Yugo?
"He had to peek up something on the truck, I'll be here on a minute don't worry" Adamai replied.

-oh really!? He couldn't have done that earlier and come see his friend!" She said
"Well if he ask I'll be in my room".

-that princess she's still a-
- Adamai stop! Just leave her. Her dad just died and I think she's still dealing with it" Eva said

-what!! she's always being like this"Elely replied
"Elely!" Dally and flopin screamed.
-what? She replied with a confused expression.

"The Perceval family hasn't changed as I see. Since you are all here, well let me invite you to dinner with my wife" said Armand the new king of the sadida.
Yeah we're hungry and tired of this long journey!!" Said Flopin and Elely.
-what?! You guys are not the one who had to stay up to drive! You're lucky your parents paid for the ride" Ruel said in mocking tone.
"Yeah yeah grandpa Ruel, let's go eat!!" They replied.

"I hope there would be more than herbs this time" said Dally, he didn't get used to the food of this kingdom, after all it's a place where people have a special bond with nature.

Smut arriving!!! (Scroll here if you came for that bae I got you dt worry)

Amalia pov:

"Where his he, I can't believe it, why hasn't he shown his face!!" Amalia thought with a lot of frustration. She went in her room and heard a portal sound.

"Yugo is that you?" No one answered.
She turn around and finally saw him. The shocked on her face, she couldn't believe it. Was
She dreaming? Was he really here? And his
Body, what happened?

-Amalia, I've missed you.." he said
"How can that be possible? You've..changed?" She was still shocked.

-well after leaving the dimension, I've got all the wakfu from the other versions of me and when i got home at Emelca,  i just grown i guess?" He was a bit embarrassed, he didn't know how to explain himself.

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