Tyrell Sloan- Team Mascot

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Tyrell had just left for the game I was also going to go but I got a call from the Dragon's coach saying the Team mascot person wasn't going to be their so I could fill in, this was dream

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Tyrell had just left for the game I was also going to go but I got a call from the Dragon's coach saying the Team mascot person wasn't going to be their so I could fill in, this was dream.

So I got in some short's a Dragon's jersey with Sloan on the back an one of Tyrell's training jacket's then some Airforce's. Getting in my car I drove to the stadium as I also had to get their early.

Pulling in I spotted Tyrell's car so I parked next to it, getting out I locked my car an walked inside I saw the coach he called me over.

Do you want Tyrell to know -He asked No -I said Ok then get in now you can be funny when they score cheer do a backflip do any of your gymnastics stuff -He said Cool so can I bag on the player's -I said Yeh -He said Exciting -I said.

I took the Jacket off as I knew I would get hot an got in the mascot as a dragon Ok so we have 10 minute's till the game ok -He said Copy -I said putting the head on.

Can I go in the shed -I said Yeh -He said as we walked to the shed an I walked in all the boy's cheered someone played music an I started dancing They all cheered as I started twerking.

Walking to Tyrell I dragged my finger along his neck an kissed his cheek He laughed.

Time for the game I walked out an started spinning one arm around so the player's ran out which they did. The game kicked off an already the ball was passed to Tyrell I ran to him an picked him up He laughed.

The game had been going on for 50 minute's we were winning an in second half yep Tyrell got another try I did a back handspring into a backflip everyone cheered an I grabbed Tyrell an dipped him down like married couples do.

At the end of the game I was handed a phone an walked to Tyrell He smiled at the camera so I took a picture an dropped the phone to take the helmet off.

Smiling at him he gasped Baby what are you doing -He said coming to me I'm the mascot -I said as I got out of the outfit an was passed my jacket.

I jumped in Tyrell's arm's You scored twice baby you did amazing an I cheered you on at the field I even did a backflip for you -I said as he held me by my butt.

Very talented my love an you even dipped me is that what you want me to do at our wedding to you -He asked I nodded an kissed him he kissed back I still can't believe you were there the whole time -He said.

I laughed well thank god none of your butt's were out in the changing room's -I said Oh yeh what would you have done if you saw something -He said putting me down Probably cover my eye's or run out -I said.

Good answer -He said putting an arm around my shoulder Tyrell signed some thing's Baby what do you want -He said looking at me Huh -I said he pointed at his shirt an his shoe's I pointed at his shirt.

He laughed an gave his shoe's away then took his shirt off an passed it to me I took my jacket off an passed it to him he wrapped his body around me as I took my shirt off an then put his jersey on.

Lovely -He said Perfect -I said rubbing my hand on his ab's Oh god Y/n -He said cracking up What their nice -I said looking at him Not here -He said glaring at me I let out a huff an walked away.

Making my way into the Dragon's shed Did you see the Mascot Y/n flirting with your boyfriend -Zac said Yeh I did it was me -I said Huh -Ben said I was the mascot as the guy couldn't come -I said Wow -They all said as I sat on Tyrell's lap which he smiled at me.

The End.

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