Chapter 8 - Is He Not Coming?

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"I've been waiting for you."

I turn towards the person hugging me only to find a drunk Vivaan. He probably thinks I'm Ahana. Lol

"The one you're looking for is over here Vivaan", I point at Hana who is standing beside me looking at him as if he's lost his brains and she has lost her hopes.

He takes a proper look at my face and is quick to push himself away. He then turns towards Ahana or should I say the love of his life!

"Oops" he says and hugs her. "I missed you"  he says again and brings her closer hugging her more tightly and puts all his weight on her making her push him back.

"I've been calling you since afternoon. Where were you?" She looks angry and starts hitting him on the shoulder.

He holds her wrist when she is hitting him and pulls her close. Puts his forehead on hers and says, "I'm sorry!" this time with guilt evident in his eyes.

"It's okay. But don't do that ever again. Got it?" She says and he nods.
She pulls away from his embrace and says something to him.

I zone out and start looking for the one I've been waiting to see. Abhimanyu left the house that day but he never left my mind.

"Is he not coming?" I ask Vivaan, hoping he guesses who I'm asking about.

The two of them pass each other a knowing look and then turn towards me.

"Abhi? He doesn't do parties. I've never seen him at one. I don't think he'll be here today", Vivaan shrugs and my hopes sink for no reason at all.

I didn't even know I was hoping he'd be here. What would I even do if he were here. Not like our last conversation was smooth. It's better that he isn't here. Atleast I won't be making an embarrassment of myself infront of him.

Ahana comes to me and slips one hand with mine and the other with Vivaan's and pulls us to the Jenga table.

"What kind of Jenga is this?" I ask, curious how people who are drunk would even play jenga

"That's not normal jenga Vivi. It's 'Tipsy Jenga'. Unlike normal jenga there are different tasks written on a few of the blocks and whoever picks the block has to perform the task. " Vivaan explains.

" Sounds interesting. Can we join them? " I ask.

" Why do you think we're even going there? ", Ahana gives me a sly look.

After a few minutes of playing, it's Vivaan's turn to pull out a block. He pulls the block and reads "Story it" turning the block he continues "Click a picture with the person on your right and add the picture to your instagram story saying you're in a relationship with them."

He looks to his right to find me staring at him already. He gives out a 'this is gonna be fun' grin and starts fiddling with his phone. Before I even have time to digest what's happening, he clicks a picture with me and starts typing something on his phone, grinning all the while.

He then turns the phone towards me and presses send which is when I realise what he just did.

"Oh my god! Vivaan you idiot. What on earth is wrong with you? What if people think we're actually in a relationship?", I ask horrified at what he just did.

" Common Urvi. Don't be a spoilsport. It's just a game. It's your turn now. ", one of the people at the table says.

If I were sober, I'd have killed Vivaan for doing that, but drunk Urvi doesn't even care.

I pull a block from one of the rows and the tower almost tumbles. Laughing I read the task,

"Take a shot but also, like someone's photo on Instagram and the group has to decide who. The picture should be atleast 30 weeks old. Penalty - 3 shots"

I look at the group expectantly and hope they ask me to like some girls picture but when you have friends like the ones I do, it's better you don't expect anything to go according to your wishes!

All they want is new drama and I'm sure they want me to like picture of a person I already know or atleast they know me. Liking a strangers picture would have been better. ToT

As soon as the discussion is over, Vivaan and Ahana turn towards me and Ahana passes me a shot. Vihaan leans in and whispers, "Like one of Abhi's pictures." I am shocked! Like seriously???

I did not expect that name. I mean why Abhimanyu? Why him out of 6 billion other people on this earth? We bearly even know each other! This time I'm gonna kill Vivaan! Even drunk Urvi is with me on it.

I unlock my phone and search for Abhimanyu's account on ig only to find out that it's private and we don't follow each other. I show them my screen and start laughing.

"Ayeee! That's not fair now, is it? We'll have to do something else!" Vivaan says

"No can do Vivaan baby. But if you want to be a sore loser, I'll take two shots instead of one for you." And I gulp down the two shots kept infront of me.

As the bitter liquid runs down my throat I realise why I never go for vodka! I really hope I'm able to walk like a normal human being after the four shots I've taken since coming to this party!

We sit there for another half an hour or so and talk about everything and nothing slurring over words here and there, laughing at jokes that aren't even jokes to be laughed at, coz well...the three of us are fucking high right now.

"Let's go dance?", Ahana asks the two of us and who in their drunk mind would not want to dance? Is it even a question to be asked?

"Yuppp" I pop my lips at the letter P and stand up only to stumble on my feet. If this is how I'll be dancing, I'm gonna look like a donkey that's lost its brains! And apparently it's ability to walk on its legs.

-- -- --


I'm on the second rep of my bench press right now, when I hear my phone ring. Wiping away the sweat, I move towards my gym bag. Pulling it out, I look at the screen and wonder why Vivaan is calling me! Especially when he's at a party. And why on earth is he face timing me?

I recieve the call.
"Hey dudeeee! Wassup?", he says dropping himself on a chair.

"Are you drunk? Do you want me to come pick you up again?", I ask, because when Vivaan's at a party he never calls me unless he wants me to bring his drunk ass back home coz he doesn't want to risk driving. And it's only 9 pm now, which means the party is still on.

"No I'm not. And thanks but no thanks I'm enjoying myself quite well right now. I just want to show you what you're missing out on", he flips his camera to show me the students who are dancing.

"Vivaan! You know how seriously I take my gym time and these parties are not for me. You guys enjoy, I won't be co-", my brain stops working and I forget what I was about to tell him when my eyes land on a familiar figure on the dance floor.

Subconsciously my fist curls into a ball when a guy approaches her and all I see is red.

Before I even second guess what I'm about to do, I take a rushed shower and exit the gym.


Soooo, who did Abhi see and what do you think he's gonna do next???

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I love y'all! See you soon with a new chapter <3

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