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Art by Sludgedevill on tumblr!!

Ok, I'll shut up now.

Infected just finished playing a computer game. he checked the time, it was already 12:50 PM! He should start heading to bed. Infected took out his inflatable bed, and started inflating it. He usually does this earlier WHILE he plays, but today, he was basically glued on the chair. He was about to start getting ready for bed until he heard a silent *knock*. At first, he thought it was the wind until it got a bit louder! He checked who it was. All he saw was the lamp. Lampert looked stressed out. He was holding a blanket and pillow with his left arm and knocking with his right hand. Infected immediately opened the door.

"L4MP3RT! U 0k4y br0?? 0_0"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"U sur3 buD?????"

". . . . Yeah.. I'll be alright." Lampert hesitated for a second.

This wasn't the first time this same exact situation happened. In fact, it's almost every day now. Originally, it was once or twice a month. Lampert has family problems. His "parents" are always fighting, and it lasts for HOURS....

(Time skip -_-)

It's been about an hour since Lampert had arrived, Infected went back to playing, and Lampert was still processing and thinking about what happened at his house. He didn't really feel safe at his house anymore.
Eventually, infected got off the game to start heading to bed.

"BR0... y0uv3 b33n s1tt1ng th3r3 f0r 4 wh1l3!!! U sur3 u 0k4y?? ;_;.."

Lampert looked around the room for a bit. He didn't know how to reply.

"Yeah... I'm just- I don't know- how do I say this..."
"It's been going on for TOO long. I seriously don't get why they are still together. I remember wallter saying that they are still together to "protect me" and that I should know that they "still love me, no matter what*.. it makes no sense. I seriously don't wanna go back...."

Lampert wanted to start crying, but he also couldn't for some reason.

"L4MP3RT....." Infected felt bad, but he didn't know how to help. He wanted to give him a big hug, but he knows that Lampert isn't okay when it comes to physical touch.

Infected carefully put his hand next to Lampert without touching him.

"1m f1n3 w1th U st4y1ng... but w0uldnt y0ue p4r3nts s4y s0m3th1ng 4bt 1t??? W0uldnt th3y B w0rr13d?

"Most likely no.. they didn't even notice that I left the house."

"0h :/.... w3lll,,..... w4n4 st4rt h34d1ng 2 b3d??"

Lampert looked nervous. He wasn't very tired.

"00rrrr.... m4yB w3 c4n w4tch 4 m0v13??"

"Yea... sure that works..."

Lampert and Infected made popcorn and grabbed some chocolate. They sat on the couch and started looking for some movies

"Uhh.... maybe Repo man?"

"N4hh, t00 l8 4 th4t !Σ( ̄□ ̄;) w4t 4bt m34n g1rlz?"

"I never really liked the movies."

"W4t 1z wr0ng W1th U."

"A lot of things, haha."

"I KNOW! we can watch Coraline."

"Sur3, why n0t!! :P"

The two started watching it. They enjoyed it, but it was already 2 AM, so they were getting pretty tired.

"Infected... I might fall asleep."

"HuHHHH!!!!:-O But U ch0z3d th3 f1lm! U c4nt juzt l34v3 m3 4l0n3!!!!!!!"

"Yea.... I know.... just dont... let me fa...falll asleeep..."

The lamp ended up falling asleep in infecteds lap. Infected was a little uncomfortable at first, but slowly, he started getting more comfy. He looked at Lampert, admiring the way he was laying, noticing how his tail is slowly pacing back and forth, counting how many seconds untill his light flickers for about a millisecond. Infected didn't want to move him, he was going to wait a bit longer.

He tried to continue watching the movie, but he couldn't stop staring. It was weird, he never thought of Lampert this way- well that's actually a lie. He notices almost every little thing that he does. Like whenever he washes his hands, he puts about 4 drops of hand sanitizer on both hands. Or that a little faint shock sound comes out whenever he takes long breaths.Infected could go on for HOURS when it comes to talking about Lampert. He didn't think it was weird, he thought that's how all friends are!

He kept noticing new things until he fell asleep, they both stayed there for the entire night.

In the morning, they tried to act like Lampert wasn't literally sleeping in Infecteds arms. They didn't say a SINGLE word about it. They sat in silence for a bit.

"W4nt s0m3 p4nk4k3s??"

"First of all, ew... second of all, I don't trust you on cooking."

"W3LLLLLLLLL... F1RST 0F 4LL!!! Rud3!!!! S3C0ND 0F 4LL!!! b0ld 0f U t0 4sum3 that 1 W4S g0nn4 c00k!"

"....do you even have batter in this house?"

"1dk... w3 c4n 4sk m0ll3y!!"
(Jajajaja sneaked my oc in this😈)


The two got the ingredients from Infected's neighbor, and went back. Lampert and Infected started making the pancakes. It was fun.

"Sooo.. how has the gradient thing been doing?.."

"Unpl34s4nt? 1tz 4lr1ght 1 gu3ss. Th3y juzt h4v3 b33n sup4 gr0ss!!!"

"Grosser then you??.."

"0h, n0t 3v3n cl0s3!!! XD---"

Lampert slightly chuckled. He thought Infected was pretty funny, even though he kinda missed.. him. It was still nice to know that he is sorta here?

He just kinda wished that he wasn't acting like... this.

Word count: 900 words

Btw happy weed day I can now officially say I uploaded a lampfected fanfic on national weed day

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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