Chapter 8

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"Stay close, Hans".

Benny said with a small smile and low tone, but enough for the boy to hear him. He had stopped to look at a display case full of gaudy comics with complicated names.

When Hans grabbed Benny's jeans leg again, they resumed walking among the people around that day. Benny adjusted his grip of his hands and smiled as he looked forward. Lotta was dozing on his back, her little hands opening and closing around his jacket, her light breathe prickling against his neck. She had tried to stay awake 'till the end of the walk after a couple of hours exhausting all their energy at the park near his house, but tiredness and sleep had taken over and she had agreed to get on his back even If with a cute little frown because 'She wasn't a baby', trying to keep up with her brother's teasing.

But she couldn't resist him.

The early afternoon was giving way to sunset and the crisp air of that beautiful day was starting to tingle his cheeks. It was really time to go home.

His home. Where they'd wait for Frida for dinner, who was stuck at work that day too.

He smiled, another reason to try to convince her to spend the night.

"Benny, I'm hungry" Hans informed him, pulling his jeans slightly.

"Me too" Benny nodded "What do you prefer? Order in? Or... I could cook?" he adjusted his grip on Lotta's legs again, waiting for the pedestrian traffic light to turn green.

"Yours" Hans answered, looking around "Where are Peter and Heléne?" he inquired, looking into the distance, almost as If he were thinking of something else.

Benny smiled at his impeccable grammar for his age "They're with their aunt" he told him for the hundredth time that afternoon "They'll be back soon" he assured him as the light turned green and they started walking again.


Benny smiled, he just loved the endless energy of the children's questions "Yes?".

"Can you make some rice and peas? I love your rice and peas" Hans almost gushed, making him laugh "Mommy never makes them".

"Sounds good, buddy. But do you think mommy will like them too?".

Hans looked up at him as If he were crazy "Of course".

Benny chuckled and nodded. They reached his building and at the elevator Benny was able to move Lotta enough to take her in his arms, hugging her warm sleepy body against his own. It was a comforting feeling and he smiled against her long hair.

When they entered the house, Hans immediately took off his coat, scarf, hat and gloves, leaving everything at least near the basket at the entrance.

"Be right back, buddy" Benny muttered and moved to his bedroom to leave Lotta sleeping a little more. When he put her on his bed, she moaned lightly and he undressed her quickly before covering her with his mother's red wool blanket. He waited to see If she'd wake up and, satisfied, returned to the living room.

Benny took off his shoes and made himself more comfortable and then placed himself in front of the television that Hans was watching, lying on the couch as If he were tired from running the marathon.

"I'm sorry, buddy, but I need your help cooking" he told him with his hands on his hips for good emphasis "So, lift that cute behind of yours and come help me" he told him, touching his foot with his own and walking towards the kitchen.

Hans laughed at his words and followed him, telling him that he'd sell him off to his mother for that words.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09 ⏰

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