Chapter 2

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welcome back!!


hope you enjoy!! :3 <3


Miguel always awoke before you - even before the sun rose. Everyday, he slipped from beneath the covers and tiptoed into the kitchen to make you breakfast. The only time he had with you were these extremely early mornings, and he was determined to make you feel loved in that short hour before he was off again.

After only a few hours of restless sleeping filled with gentle snoring and incoherent mumbling, he heard the gentle buzzing of his alarm. He felt very warm - like there was a little furnace at his side. Miguel practically pried his heavy eyelids open to find you, el amor de su vida, clutching onto him for dear life. Your head still nuzzled against his chest with your arm draped across his waist. Even his legs were trapped, entangled with yours.

He almost didn't want to get up. You looked so peaceful snuggled up against him - he would've given anything to just bask in the warmth that was your endless beauty for this little sliver of free time he had.

But, that would've meant he wouldn't get to hear your sleepy little voice, or the way your eyes lit up when he woke you with a tray of food.

Miguel frowned as he forced himself to push your soft body off of his. That tiny pout you made in your sleep when he pulled away felt like a dagger in his heart each time. Miguel watched as you settled back into a deep sleep before padding quietly out into the kitchen.

Miguel rubbed his eyes, grumbling to himself before yanking the refrigerator open. The faintest trace of a smile crept onto his face once he saw the leftovers from the night before, tightly wrapped just for him.

"We watched reality TV until they fell asleep."

Miguel jumped as Lyla's small, glowing figure appeared in front of him.

"Jesus, Lyla-"

"Did you hear me? Reality TV. You need to figure something out, Miguel. The poor thing is seriously depressed."

Miguel huffed as he waved off Lyla's hologram before grabbing a few ingredients and turning to the stove. His breakfasts were never extravagant, but enough to show that he cared deeply for you. The eggs in his ridiculously huge hands looked almost comical. Lyla reappeared in front of him, causing him to clench his jaw.

"You need to do something. Train somebody, let Peter take over for a night, even just once every few weeks. You know he's always offering-"

"I'm fine, Lyla."

"I know you are. But they are not."

Lyla was quick to defend you, in any given situation. It was great on one hand- Miguel was glad that you didn't feel completely alone, but he always had to hear about how he could be doing better. Miguel was constantly reminded of how shitty he made you feel, whether he meant to or not.

Miguel aggressively beat the eggs in a small bowl as the pan began to heat up. He gripped the dish so hard, it nearly shattered.

"Lyla... Just leave me be. I-I promise you can tell me how bad of a fucking boyfriend I am when I leave but right now..." he hissed angrily before sighing as he poured the eggs into the sizzling pan. His voice dripped into an almost pleading murmur.

"I have less than an hour. I just need this, please."


There was something about being awake this early with you that excited Miguel. With most of the city still asleep, you two felt like the only people in the world. Just you and Miguel in the dim moonlight.

Late. - Miguel O'Hara/ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now