2. Introductions

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NOW ON the subway, the Parker twins had to shuffle awkwardly through the crowded space as many people in Queens seemed to take the 8am ride, which was unfortunate for them. Most people that had jobs owned a car to get to work, so majority of the riders were very sketchy or cracked out of their minds. Richie had to decline many 'you got a dollar?'s as they got off, letting out a breathe he didn't know he was holding. "You ever think that'll not be a little scary?

"Mmm.. probably not." Peter shook his head, walking infront of Richie as they hurried up the stairs to the football field of Midtown High. Students were all groaning as they piled into school. Rich watched as school bus on school bus piled into the loading zone. Only about 60 kids had signed up for the program, but they still needed staff to accompany them and transport them all. "You don't think Liz is going, do you?"

"She's part of the school newspaper journalists thing. She has to be there, doesn't she?" Richie thought out-loud, right as Flash had pulled up in his dad's old Cadllac and slowed down beside them.

"Ay, Penis and Retard Parker! Need a ride?" Flash honked his horn a few times at them before driving away, spitting all kinds of dust at them.

"I hope when we get there something blows up and he takes the heat." Richie spoke bitterly, holding the door open for Peter to enter the school. Ned was waiting at their lockers, that were side by side, thanks to principal Morita. The blue filled Richie's eyes and almost calmed him from the overwhelming environment that was highschool hallways.

"Peter, Richie! Get over here!" Ned waved his hand eagerly, looking around as if he was an undercover spy. The twins quickened their pace and crained their necks down just as Ned was doing.

"What? Whats up?" Richie spoke in concern, as it seemed that Ned was seriously freaked out.

"Liz and Kate are going on the trip! Thats like, scores for all of us." He beamed, whisper-shouting as Peter chuckled and Richie rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, you're late to the news." Rich slapped his shoulder as Peter opened his locker, getting out one of his textbooks. "You're gonna lug that thing around?"

"Well, if I see something super cool, then I can write about it in my notes and research it more on our lunch break." Peter shrugged, slamming his locker to reveal Mj standing there. The three boys jumped in surprise.

"Woah! Hey there, Michelle." Richie gulped, raising his hand for a short wave. She sent him a quick nod. "Hey. Buses are leaving soon. Figured you guys wouldn't wanna miss 'em." Mj shrugged, turning around on her heels and began to walk away. The three boys gave each other a look before following her out. Ned, then Peter, then finally Richie boarded the bus. He spotted Harry and Felicia at the back of the bus, who waved the three of them back.

"it's kind of crowded back there, should we sit at the front?" Ned asked, stopping them in their tracks.

"No, Ned keep going. Theres a free seat right there." Peter pointed, pushing his friend into a seat before sitting next to him. Both of them set their backpacks on their laps while Richie looked at Harry.

"What am I supposed to do? Felicia, go sit with Liz." Richie nodded his head over to the dark skinned girl, who was sitting alone with earbuds in looking out the window.

"What, no! It's a 40 minute drive, and Harry is most comfortable to sleep on." She argued, as the brunette boy just shrugged at him with a victorious look on his face.

"Ay, Parker! Come sit with me, I promise I won't kick you too hard. Gotta save up my energy for your aunt!" Flash had called out to him, with a perverted smirk as he dapped up one of his friends.

"Screw off, man." Richie shot back at him, before looking down. "Fucking disgusting.." He muttered, before someone looked up at him, offering a smile.

"You can sit with me, if you want."

Rich couldn't believe his ears. Kate Bishop had just offered to sit with him for a 40 minute bus ride, in a crowded seat alone. He almost pinched himself to see if he was dreaming, before Harry hit his arm.

"You alright, man?" He looked up at Richie with an amused smile. The brunette girl just looked at him, knowing he was too socially awkward for his own good.

"Oh- OH! Um- yeah- yeah, thanks. Thank you.." Richie looked at Peter, who gave him a big smile and a thumbs up before he sat down. Trying to avoid eye contact with Kate, he took his time to put his bag in between his legs. The bus finally took off, and there was a big bump in the road a few minutes in, causing Richie to look over at Katie. "Sorry."

"Sorry for what?" She chuckled.

"Bumping into you."

"Y'know we're on a bus, right? If I didn't want you to touch me, I wouldn't have invited you to sit with me." Kate looked back out the window before realizing how she put that, and then looked back at Richie. "I didn't- I didn't mean touch like anything weird-"

"Its okay." Now it was his turn to laugh. "I know what you mean. I'm Richie, by the way."

Kate gave him a look of disbelief. "Oh yeah I know. You're the smartest kid that's ever taken psychology at Midtown."

Rich's eyes widened at the recognition. First off, he never knew that he had such a big title. He quickly hid his surprise with a smirk. "Well, I guess. I just like to stay humble."

The girl laughed, and Richie couldn't help the smile that was tugging on his lips. It was the most beautiful sound he had ever heard, and he was the reason it was happening. "If you didn't know already, I'm Kate." She stuck out her hand, and Richie looked at it for a few moments before shaking it. The first 5 minutes of knowing her, he had accomplished so many things.

"Yeah, I knew that. Besides being friends With Liz Allan and Captain of the Archery team, Bishop Security is usually big news. Your mom is great, by the way."

"Well, I think she'd be happy to hear that, thank you." Kate sighed. At the mention of parents, she always felt terrible for what him and Peter had to go through. Losing their parents, then most recently their uncle. It also didn't help that Flash was constantly nagging them about it. "I'm sorry about what Flash said, by the way. It's totally unfair for you to have to go through that."

Richie looked at her softly, before pursing his lips. "Thanks. I guess I'm just too used to it, I never think of it as a big deal."

"Well, if he ever says something again while i'm around, he'll regret it next time." She smiled, before placing her hand on top of Richie's for a split second. He was at a loss of words, before he cleared his throat.

"Uh- do you know what group number you're in?" He asked, switching topics.

"Number 4. I think Mj said she was in it too."

"Oh- me too!" Richie looked back at Peter and Ned. "What group are you guys in?"

"4." They said in unison.

"So are we." Harry spoke up for him and Felicia.

"Yeah, I put you all together." Liz had turned around in her seat, smiling at Kate. "I didn't think it was a good idea to split you up. Then me, Michelle and Kate are with you guys if that's okay."

"Yeah, that's super cool." Harry flashed Rich a smile, who just sent one back to Liz.

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