Last Day of Camp 1/2

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"Attention. All park-goers must report to the South Ferry Dock for immediate evacuation," the presenter echoed throughout the park. "The last ferry departs in two hours." Yasmina, Brooklynn, and Sammy rushed to join Darius and Kenji while Ben and Bumpy trailed behind—the pink-haired girl was kind enough to offer Yaz some support.

"That's it?" Brooklynn said, unconsciously squeezing Yasmina's wrist. "No explanations? That's all we get?" Yaz was not thrilled about the subtly, either. DIsmal thoughts invaded her mind in droves. Would Zephyr leave? Was the girl already leaving? Deep down, Yaz knew that wasn't the case; the blond would never do that... not to Yasmina.

Darius and Kenji vaulted over the barrier, the dark-skinned dino-whizz clapping his hands urgently while Kenji had his hands on his knees. "We have to move," said Darius. "The only way we're gonna make it is if we run." Yasmina glanced at her ankle, touched her head with the hand not wrapped around Brooklynn's shoulder, and groaned.

Sammy noticed and spoke what they were all thinking. "Are we sure that is the best way to get there?"

"I'm fine," Yasmina lied. "If I was gonna drop dead, it would have happened way earlier." She glanced back, saw a jogging Ben and a lumbering Bumpy finally catching up, and sighed with an aggrieved look in her eyes. "We should be way more worried about Ben and Bumpy." The blue-eyed kid took a deep breath when he reached them, pulled a map out of his fanny pack, and warned them about something that was clearly bothering him.

"We should all be worried about catching a boat out of here, but naturally, we have a problem." Ben opened the map and spread it out on a seat. "We're here." He pointed to the Lagoon, then dragged his finger down. "And the docks are on the southern tip of the island." There was a note of dread in his voice when he said, "Even if we ran at peak Yaz speed, there's no way we'd make the last boat out."

"You don't know that," Sammy pointed out.

Ben scoffed, "Yes, I do. I memorised the evacuation plan on the ferry ride." Yasmina and the others groaned as they knew that was definitely something Ben would do. With a sigh, Yaz was about to pitch that they just waited in the Visitors' Centre for Zephyr to come and get them, but Darius jumped onto a seat first.

"Okay, so we need another way," he said, looking around for some saving grace. Yasmina would never have found anything with her crappy luck, but Darius might as well have been Frane Selak. The dino-whizz noticed the kayaks and pointed to them. "Um... Can we use those somehow? Or send someone to tell the ferry people to wait?"

"Or make a few jetpacks real quick?" Brooklynn said snappily, her grip on Yasmina's wrist tightening, and the arm around Yaz's waist also tensed a bit. The track star ignored it. Compared to the agony she was still in, it was barely noticeable. "Oh! We should befriend a unicorn!" Then, she said dejectedly, "Face it. It's hopeless."

"We will be arriving at Main Street," a feminine presenter stated, making the campers perk up, "your destination for fine dining..." "Is that?" Brooklynn helped Yasmina to the barrier, where they saw a monorail speeding by. Kenji threw his arms up and whooping, "Monorail, what-what!"

"Mm, nicely played, Universe," Brooklynn muttered, grinning at Yaz, who was baffled by the luck of the campers.


Brooklynn and Sammy helped Yasmina climb the stairs of the stands while Kenji ran ahead. They got three steps in before noticing Toro, the reddish-brown Carnotaurus with a stunted horn and a scar on his snout. He seemed to be guarding the staircase to the monorail landing, but animals don't just guard things like that! Yaz and Brooklynn sat down against the wall after running back, and the former bumped her head in annoyance, forgetting her injury. A strangled gasp of pain escaped her lips, and she felt like crying. Her eyes stung with tears, her vision blurry.

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