Toshiro VI

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"...and my decision is final." The Chief said.

"That's bullshit and you know it!" Ryusuke cried as he slammed his fists into the table. Toshiro would have done the same, had the Chief's decision not rendered him stunned.

"I have no choice!" Chief Watanabe shot back. "The department's reputation is on the line, and the Harrowing of Hiroshima case is extremely sensitive. Turn in your badges and guns and, Detective Nakagawa, consider yourself lucky I was able to broker a deal with Goro and The Hiroshima Herald so he didn't press charges."

Toshiro said nothing. He just nodded as he stared down at the tabletop.

"Say something!" Ryusuke pleaded. "Tell him they can't force you out! That you won't retire! That they'll have to fire you!"

Sorry, Ryusuke.

"I'll do it. You'll have my retirement papers by the end of the week." Toshiro bowed, left his gun and badge on the table, and walked out. Ryusuke was hot on his heels.

"So that's it, huh?! No more fight in you?" Ryusuke demanded as Toshiro walked back to his car.


"Why the hell not?"

"I'm too old. Sango needs my pension. I can't risk anything." Toshiro's voice was almost a whisper as he got into his car. Ryusuke jumped in beside him.

"But we know that Kageyama is up to something! There's no way the task force will follow up on all our leads! Know who's leading on the Harrowing of Hiroshima case now? Matsuda and Yoshida!" Ryusuke exclaimed.

Toshiro couldn't help but chuckle.

"Exactly! With those two idiots on the case, it'll be like a wild goose chase for who knows how long!" Ryusuke agreed

"So you want me to be a vigilante now?" Toshiro stopped and smiled at his friend.

"Yeah! You already have superpowers. All you need now is a mask and a catchy name, The Harrowing Hiroshima doesn't stand a chance against us!" Ryusuke was fired up, his fists raised in front of his face, ready for the fight he proposed. Toshiro had to let out a bark of laughter at the madness of the situation.

"Oh? We are going to be vigilantes? Like Batman and Robin?"

"Yes! Exactly like Batman and Robin! The Dynamic Duo of Japan! I can picture it now," Ryusuke was always something of a showman, he began talking in a voice like some Pro-Wrestling ring announcer. "Introducing the unstoppable crime-fighting machine that is the team of Captain Insight and The Amazing Ryu!" He shouted. Toshiro broke out laughing then.

I don't know if he's being serious or just trying to cheer me up, but I think it's working....

"Look, let's say we do put our underwear on outside our pants, what's our move? Without police resources, it'll be that much harder to track down The Harrowing." Toshiro countered.

"First of all, the underwear thing is old-fashioned. We'd be wearing balaclavas and leather motorcycle jackets." Ryusuke corrected. "Second, we take the flash drive to my cousin Makoto, she's a little computer whiz!"

"You have a little cousin?" Ryusuke looked over at his partner, yes partner, even after losing his badge, in surprise.

I thought I knew everything about this man, yet there are still surprises...

"Oh, yeah, my Uncle Jiro got divorced a while back and married a woman half his age."


"Yeah, his new wife and I actually went to high school together, although she was a freshman and I was a senior." Ryusuke laughed.

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