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In a world where magic courses through the very veins of existence, there exists a delicate balance between light and darkness, good and evil

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In a world where magic courses through the very veins of existence, there exists a delicate balance between light and darkness, good and evil. From the humblest village to the grandest kingdom, the people are divided by the gift—or curse—of magic.

Among the populace, there are those blessed with the ability to wield magic for the greater good, harnessing its power to heal, protect, and nurture. These individuals are revered as guardians of the light, entrusted with the sacred duty of upholding justice and harmony in the world. Yet, alongside the benevolent wielders of magic, there exists a darker counterpart: those who twist and pervert its power for their own selfish desires. These practitioners of dark magic lurk in the shadows, their hearts consumed by greed and ambition, seeking to subjugate all who stand in their way.

At the heart of this conflict lies the royal bloodline, for only those of noble lineage possess the innate ability to channel the most potent forms of magic. The fate of the world is intertwined with the destiny of those who bear the mantle of royalty.
For generations, the royal family has stood as both guardians and arbiters of magic, wielding their power with wisdom and compassion. It is their sacred duty to ensure that the balance between light and darkness is maintained, lest the world be plunged into chaos and despair.

For generations, the House of Aurelius has safeguarded the kingdom with their extraordinary powers, weaving spells of protection and prosperity. Their ethereal appearance, with hair as shimmering as moonlight, sets them apart as true heirs to the throne. Legends whisper of the origins of their unique trait, attributing it to a divine blessing bestowed upon their ancestors by celestial beings.

they are renowned for their ethereal silver-white locks, a trait that symbolizes their connection to the mystical forces that flow through their bloodline.

"Lucian !! Prince Lucian--the younger prince could hear the butler's pleas. 

"Shit he found me." Lucian conceals behind the kitchen counter, shushing the royal cooks.

"Prince Lucian, I know you are here. I understand you don't want to go to the ball, but your father will not forgive me."

Prince Lucian peered out from behind the bar, his eyes bright with malice.  "Oh, Jarvis, you know how much I dislike stuffy affairs. Besides, I have far more important things to do than dance with some vapid nobles and listening to their tedious gossip."

Jarvis the butler sighed, his portly figure heaving with exasperation. "Your Highness, you must understand the importance of these events. They are not just social gatherings; they are opportunities to strengthen alliances, forge bonds, and showcase the unity of the kingdom."

Lucian rolled his eyes, his fingers drumming impatiently on the marble countertop. "Alliances and unity can wait, Jarvis. Right now, I have a far more pressing mission."

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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