Ch 2: The Plan

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The atmosphere was tense in the hall. King Griffin was standing in front of us with his soldiers behind him. He was wearing a pair of black jeans and a black shirt. He wore a red cloak over his shoulders and had his sword scabbed to his hip. He wore a belt which had a 'G' stamped on it inside a circle.

Iris was sitting on the throne, and I was standing beside her, my sword scabbed to my dress. King Griffin started to speak, "Greetings, your majesty."

"Greetings, King Griffin. What brings you here today?" Iris had a serious tone. I could tell by listening to it that she wasn't happy to see him.

"I'll get straight to the point then. As you know, our worlds have been at war for centuries. But now I think it's time to have a truce."

"We also want a truce between our worlds, but how can we be sure that that's what you want, because according to the law, the oldest ruler of the two will take over the throne, and you're two months older than me. So there is a high chance for you to ascend the throne after we have peace. Unless..." Iris interlocked her fingers and sat forward. "We have a competition and the winner will rule the two worlds."

King Griffin sighed, "I know, Queen Iris, that you doubt me, but I can assure you that we want what's best for our world."

While King Griffin was assuring Iris, I saw him giving a thumbs up to the soldiers behind him and that's when realization hit me. He didn't want peace between the worlds, but it was an excuse to rule both the worlds.

I suddenly yelled, "King Griffin, we understand that you want peace, but don't think that we didn't saw your plan behind it. We will not fall for your evil tricks." I took my sword out and pointed it at him. "That's what we expect from you. You are nothing but selfish and greedy."

To my surprise, instead of clarifying himself, King Griffin started laughing, and black smoke started spreading everywhere.

"EVERYONE! Cover your mouth, it's a sleeping gas and protect the queen." soldiers came and made a circle around Iris, but they were already getting sleepy. My eyes too started getting heavy. I began to lose consciousness.

The black smoke slowly disappeared, and I felt my knees go weak. The next second, I was lying on the floor half asleep. My grip on my sword loosened, and my body felt so heavy and relaxed that I wasn't able to get up. Before I was fully asleep, I heard someone's footsteps coming towards me.

When I opened my eyes, I tried to move my hands, but they were tied behind my back. I tried to free my hand when I heard a familiar deep voice, "Stop struggling. It's of no use."

I looked up to see King Griffin standing in front of me. My eyes were sore from sleeping and couldn't see clearly. But I could make out that I was in a cell and there was someone else with me too, who looked a lot like Finn. I shook my head and blinked my eyes to see the person's face clearly, and I gasped when I recognized him. It was Finn!

"Where are we?" I asked. "Are you going to kill us?"

"Welcome to Develdion, princess. Right now you have been kidnapped by us. And about killing you, don't worry about it. I am just keeping you as a hostage to force your sister to give me the throne."

"But why is he with us?" I motioned toward Finn, who was still passed out. "I don't think he has anything to do with the throne."

"Oh, well, we were just bringing you here when he jumped out of nowhere and tried to stop us. But he is just a weak peasant, so my soldiers knocked him out, and we brought him here with us."

Anger started boiling in me and I couldn't stop myself from shouting, "no matter what happens, even if I die my sister will never give up the throne."

Suddenly, King Griffin started laughing. "What's so funny?" I said through gritted teeth, frowning.

"That's the problem, princess. You are too naive. Your sister loves you dearly and will do anything to protect you. But if you die, and she still doesn't give me the throne, then..." he came
closer to the dungeon bars with a serious look and whispered, "I will kill her too."

He stepped back and announced, "I will give her two weeks to decide whether she wants to give up the throne or... have a spirit war 2." he turned and left me and Finn in the cold, dark cell.

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