10. A Deadly Alliance

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Monday, November 11th, 2024

Aurora's POV

"It was all fun and games until the night Dev caught us."

"Would you care to elaborate, Miss James?"

"Well, it put a wedge between Nia and me for one and two; we saw her as a liability that would inevitably cost us our jobs."

Dev's lips formed a thin line, and the tension in the room was palpable. Man, I was just offending everyone today.

"We turned out to be wrong, but back then, we assumed the worst, and it drove us apart. For the next few months leading up to launch, we didn't talk at all," I tell Penélope. "We were both angry and afraid. I, for one, didn't like being blamed, but I also wanted to limit any collateral damage, so I stayed away."

"What brought you back together?" Assesses the therapist.

"The death of my mother," Xenia answers. "When she passed, I succeeded her and launched the company on the date she planned for in early May. I considered it my last duty to her and shifted gears to make Studio Janelle my own. I did so out of misplaced anger and resentment. By the end of that month, I'd formulated a plan to reestablish some sense of normalcy. In my grief, I was lonely, so I gave Aurora a proposition."

"And that was?"


"Aurora?" Penélope prompts. "What was it?"

"Getting 'Amelia Hunt' fired."


Friday, May 27th, 2022
(899 Days Ago...)

Everyone's for 'standing on business' until the business randomly reaches out. Some of us are stronger than others and can resist. I used to think of myself as one of those people but have since been proven wrong because, as soon as Xenia King requested that I come to her office on account of a favor she needed, guess who was there?


Disappointing, I know.

Not too long ago, I was preaching the art of holding one's ground like a pastor delivering God's word and would give those who fell back into old habits an earful. I did this for a solid six months, and I'll admit, the whole no-contact thing had been killing me slowly, though I do my best not to let it show.

Thank goodness that was over.

I answered her summons as soon as I could and entered her space, not knowing what to expect. "You rang?"

"I did. Have a seat, Miss James." Her chilled tone sends shivers up my spine.

"I think I'd rather stand," I say firmly. "What's this about?"

She looks up at me, her fingers intertwined and her expression unreadable. "I have a proposition for you."

"What kind of proposition?"

"I'll be happy to tell you... once you have a seat."

Against my better nature, I comply. "Happy now?"

"Very. Thank you."


"Aurora," Xenia begins, "I think I may have a solution to our little predicament."

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