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She was perfect girl with perfect Obsidian black hairs and piercing golden eyes. A beauty that was enough to drop people on their knees by just one look, a voice that was even melodious then the veela's and powers that would give Merlin himself a run in money.

But truth to be told, she never wanted to be perfect. She wanted to blend into the shadows and watch everything while silently making comments; 'They should do it like this', 'They should have used that spell'.

She didn't wanted to be dragged in every adventure of Harry Potter. She didn't wanted to push Draco Malfoy into the lake—okay, maybe she did wanted that. But she didn't wanted to be in the limelight.

But she loved that. The power that she felt when people kiss the ground she walked on, she loved that. She loved when people scream her name when she fly high into the sky and score every goal—she had never lost a single goal in Quidditch.

She loved when people whisper that she is the most powerful witch of her age.

Elenia and Harry were similar in many ways. They both were powerful, they both were heros, they both got selected into the quidditch team in their first year and they both hated Draco Malfoy—although Elenia never hated the Slytherins, she always admired their ambition.

If she wouldn't have been a Gryffindor, she would definitely be a Slytherin. It was her who threatened the sorting hat to put her in Gryffindor because Ron Weasely said that Slytherins are bad and she was scared to lose her first friends —she'll never accept that, ofcourse.

But there was something else that Harry and Elenia had in common. They both were orphan. The only difference was that Harry knew who his parents were while Elenia don't.

She never really knew her existence, she didn't knew who is her mother or who is her father. Who was the wizard or who was the witch.

All she knew was herself and who she had made herself into.

She didn't had a mother to fuss over her perfect hairs and her makeup and play dress up with her. She didn't had a father to play protective over her or buy her whatever she lay her finger on.

She had no family.

Professor Dumbledore was the one who had told the girl she was a witch when she used to stay at Wool's orphanage in London, England. He came to her and offered her a place that she can now call home.

Hogwarts is her home.

It was Dumbledore who gave her some money to purchase the clothes she was wearing today. It was Dumbledore who gave her money to buy books that she loved. It was Dumbledore who told her that she can live with an old professor on the countryside in London.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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