A divorce looms

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The following morning, sunlight streamed through the blinds, painting harsh lines across the rumpled sheets. Tobi stirred beside her, his face creased with sleep. Gloria watched him, a stranger sharing her bed.  This time, though, the familiar ache in her chest felt dulled, replaced by a newfound determination.

"I want a divorce," she said, her voice surprisingly steady.

Tobi jolted awake, confusion clouding his sleepy eyes.  The accusation hung heavy in the air, a stark contrast to the usual polite pleasantries of their mornings. Denial flickered across his face, a flicker she recognized all too well.

"What are you talking about?" he mumbled, the scent of stale beer clinging to him.

Gloria met his gaze, unflinching.  "Don't insult my intelligence, Tobi. We both know this is over."  She detailed the evidence, the lipstick stain, the text – a cold, clinical delivery of facts that stripped their infidelity bare.  Shame colored Tobi's face for a fleeting moment, quickly replaced by a defensive bluster.

"It was nothing," he scoffed, "a fling, a mistake."

The dismissive tone ignited a spark of anger within Gloria, a flicker of the fiery spirit she'd buried for so long.  "A mistake that shattered our lives," she countered, her voice rising in pitch.  "I deserve better than your carelessness, Tobi. I deserve better than these midnight tears."

For the first time in months, Tobi seemed to truly see her – the raw pain etched into her features, the weariness in her eyes.  A flicker of something akin to remorse crossed his face, but it was quickly overshadowed by a defensive posture.

The conversation that followed was a dance of blame and recrimination, a painful excavation of their failed marriage.  By the end, both were emotionally drained, the air thick with unspoken words.  But a decision had been made.  The silent contract of their loveless marriage was finally broken.

The legal separation that followed was a cold, clinical affair.  Gloria, with the help of a steely lawyer, navigated the legalities, a stark contrast to the emotional turmoil that raged within.  Tobi, it seemed, retreated further into himself, a shell of the man she once knew.

Leaving the house, the one they'd built together, brick by hopeful brick, was a bittersweet experience.  Grief, a dull ache, still lingered, but it was overshadowed by a sense of liberation.  The weight of his betrayal, though not forgotten, seemed to loosen its grip on her heart.

The path ahead was uncertain, a canvas yet to be painted.  But for the first time in a long time, Gloria faced the future with a glimmer of hope in her eyes. The clock tower continued its relentless march, but the witching hour no longer held the same dread.  The tears, when they did come, were not just of sorrow, but of a quiet goodbye to the woman she used to be, a woman reborn from the ashes of heartbreak.

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