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Moonlight bathes the city of Luthania in its opal glow, and I am merely a forgotten ghost haunting the now dead streets. I peer around the corner of Ashville Meats, eyes fixed on the lush tree line that calls for me.
Three guards patrol this quarter of the city, and if my calculations are correct, they're currently over near Meadows Silk, three blocks from where I now crouch hidden in the shadows.
A straight shot for the forest, for freedom.
I tighten my hands on the straps of my backpack, ignoring the growing ache in my neck and shoulders as the contents threaten to drag my small frame down.
I dart from the crevice I'd wedged myself into it, pumping my legs as fast as they'll take me in my human form. I take a second to appreciate the moonlight as it kisses my skin, leaving a tingle in its wake like a lovers caress as the shadows consume me once more.
Adrenaline floods my system as I follow my usual path through the forest, leading to a large grate that connects to the tunnel system under the city.
If I was caught by a guard wondering out at night I'd be fine, but if they knew I was slipping into the tunnels to feed the small pack of wolves that live beneath the city I'd be brought before my father, the Alpa of the Silver Springs pack.
A man I wish not to cross, father or not.
My breaths saw in out and of my chest as I keep pace, wanting to make the most of my time under the tunnels before I'm forced to return to normality. The forest is alive around me as a thin layer of mist hugs the ground, the first time I'd taken this path to the grate I'd been fascinated with how each step sent the mist up in a flurry.
Ahead an owl hoots, earning a call back from somewhere in the distance. Although my steps are light and almost silent, I know my presence is felt by the wildlife that dwell in the forest that hugs Luthania.
I'd stumbled upon the tunnel pack only a few months ago, they'd bled from the tunnels and bathed in the moonlight; their pups playing beneath the thick shrubs while the others laid around and soaked in the fresh air.
They'd been almost as surprised as I had been, but with a few quick words of reassurance they'd stayed. I'd spent the rest of the night getting to know their Alpha, Orion, and he'd told me the story of how their pack had came to be.
In Harrowford, a city large enough to rival Luthania that's situated on the opposite side of the Hallows, a stretch of uninhabitable forest that separates the two cities, if trespassers are caught after dark they're sent into the Hallows to be dealt with by the Guardian.
Most end up in the tunnels, and are foribdden to return to the surface.
I'd seen how little they have, how little they ask for, and I'd made it my personal mission to sneak them food whenever I was able to escape the suffocating walls of a place I once called home.
Orion had been reluctant at first, but I'd easily won him over.
The grate appears ahead and I grin, slowing as I stand before it. The gun metal grey is crusted with new and old moss, and one corner peels away from the seal slightly.
I lengthen my nails, allowing my wolf this sliver of freedom as I use my strength to heave open the grate. It stops just after ninety degrees, groaning before clicking into place. I peer into the darkness, letting my eyes adjust before I take the metal ladder down .
With one last sweep of the forest around me I steady myself as I sit on the rim and swing my legs over, pressing my sneakers into a ladder ring before I swiftly descend.
The tunnels are alive at night.
My heart races in my chest as the echo of yips and yowls reach my eyes, followed by hushed laughter. Moonlight shines down on me, giving me one last taste before I step into darkness. I stick to the right side of the tunnel, a stream of water flows down the middle, bubbling and gurgling as it carries through the intricate system.
I take a right, leaping over to the other side of the tunnel walkway before I break into a jog, running a hand along the moist cement curve of the wall and sending the rats scattering.
The sounds of life grows louder, luring me in even deeper.
I slip into a tunnel to my left and reach a dead end where a mesh grate half covers the way and acts as a wall. I slip the bag from my shoulders and toss it through the small gap before squeezing pass. I hold the bag in my hands as I walk in complete darkness, glad to know this part of the tunnel like the back of my hand.
I reach an expanse of cement flooring and a wall, blindly running my hand along until I feel the bite of the wooden door. I knock twice, sending out a low bark.
As the door creaks open, dim firelight engulfs me. I blink against the sudden onslaught, eyes adjusting to find Orion standing before me. He grins, opening the door the entire way.
"Hey." I smile, admiring the way the light makes the ginger strands of his wavy, shoulder length hair illuminate. His bright green eyes crease in the corners as he pulls me in for a tight hug, the tickle of his orange and grey peppered beard tickle my cheek.
His scent folds itself over me, a mix of other wolves and the hint of the sea.
"Aye, I'm glad you made it here in one piece lassy." His thick accent caresses my ears, and if he wasn't my senior by twenty years I'd definitely see the appeal.
"Ivy is here!" A small, golden pup bursts from beneath a blanket fort. Their four small legs pump beneath their small body as they barrel towards me.
I drop the bag and crouch down, laughing as Sophia leaps into my arms, her tail wags madly as she licks my cheeks. "Hello pretty girl."
Four other pups make their way towards me, tails wagging and ears flopping back and forth as they play around my feet. Sophia rests her head against my shoulder, burying her wet nose into my neck. I hold her close, resting a hand against her back.
Orion picks up my backpack, ushering me deeper into their den.
They'd made a home out of one of the forgotten store rooms of the tunnels, using discarded items to make the once cold space a home. A string of fairy lights hang from the ceiling in a zip zag pattern, while three lanterns burn brightly from the side walls.
Blankets had been used to create private rooms, while mismatched carpets decorate the floor and keep the chill away through the colder months. A few familiar faces pop out from closed rooms, offering me smiles and waves before disappearing once more.
I follow Orion's large but slender frame down the middle, glad for the warmth that the small space omits. Ahead he holds back a black sheet, letting me into the main room.
Lush rugs line the floors, while crates and broken pallets have been constructed to make tables and chairs. Other discarded items are stacked against the side walls, yet to be crafted into something useful.
It's safe to say when I heard my mother was replacing the rugs in our home I was the first to offer to discard of the old ones, and I knew the perfect home for them.
Maria, Licht and Donnie sit around the low pallet table on ratty but plush pillows, laughing at something Fin acts out, a gangly teen that had been lucky to escape the Hallows alive.
Although the tunnels are a dark, gloomy place, this small slice of heaven feels like home. It's like a hug after a long, hard day. A place where I can shed my old skin and be myself, not the version Luthania demands of me.
"Dinner's here." Orion announces, earning everyone's attention.
I lean around him, waving, "Evening guys."
"Oh, Ivanna it's lovely to see you again. What's it been, three weeks now?" Maria asks, her pale blue eyes glowing slightly. Her unruly dark hair is tied back, exposing her dark skin and the three jagged silver scars that mar the right side of her neck.
She'd had a close call with one of the Luthania guards before being tossed down into the tunnels. It took her a while to warm up to my presence, and I'd made it my duty to get that particular guard on a different rotation away from the forest.
"Yeah, three weeks." I sigh, walking over and taking a seat beside her on the offered cushion. Sophia curls up in my lap, resting her small face on my thigh. I run my fingers through the fur behind her head, earning a happy yip.
"How are the aboves treating you?" Fin asks, taking the seat beside me. His dark eyes trail over me, looking for any signs of discomfort. The shadows hollow out his features, leeching his already pale skin of any colour.
"The same as they always do." I avoid the desire to lie, "my mother's been frantic trying to organise my upcoming birthday that I unfortunately share with my beloved sister."
Licht stares at me with milky eyes, his grey hair ruffled on his head like he'd just crawled from bed, matching his unruly beard. Although he can't see me, his other senses are more keen than ever.
"How old?" He asks, voice creaking like the steps of an old home. Donnie rolls her eyes, gently taping his nose playfully.
"Licht, it's rude to ask a woman her age." Her burnt orange eyes glow with ease as she winks at me, resting her head on Licht's shoulder.
"Ivanna doesn't look a day over twenty." Fin amends, eyes darting between us before he leans over to me, lowering his voice, "you're not younger than that, are you?"
I laugh, swatting his shoulder, "I'm still too old for your liking."
He pouts, jutting out his fuller bottom lip, "can't blame me for trying. Slim pickings in these parts."
"Don't let Yolanda hear you say that." Maria chirps, taking a sip from her mug, "that girl would have your tail."
"A new member?" I ask, looking to Orion. In the process of us talking he'd gathered mismatched plates and a spare cup for me, laying the food out before us. He fills my cup with the last few mouthfuls of wine, one of the bottles I'd smuggled down on my last visit.
"Yes, she arrived a week ago." Orion shakes his head, "the Guardian had been determined. Fin and Markus found her bleeding out in the northern tunnels. She was lucky she fell down where she did or we would have been too late."
"And little miss has taken a liking to our Finny boy!" Donnie leans over and ruffles his light brown hair, the uneven hair a mop around his face. He gently slaps her hand away, huffing.
"Yes well can we blame her?" He puffs his chest out, resting a hand over his heart, "I'm her saviour."
"What pack is she from?" I ask as Orion takes a seat between Maria and Licht, leaning over and placing my mug in front of me. He gives me a tight smile and a stone sinks in my stomach.
I'm glad for the wine.
"Yours," His bushy brows lower over his eyes as he begins to serve the others, his scarred hands making quick work of the bread and dried meat, while the pups get pieces of the two roast chickens.
Along with that, I'd managed to bring down instant packets of soup and a variety of vegetables. A meger haul, but the best I could do with the spare five minutes I had in the kitchens.
"I don't think I know her." I frown, taking a sip of the red wine, "I wonder what she was doing in Harrowford after dark."
Maria scoffs, "why does anyone go into either city after dark?"
"I went into Luthania with two others to break into one of their bakeries," Donnie flashes me an apologetic smile, "the pastries are too expense for us poor folk."
"What happened to the other two?"
Her smile dims and Licht taps his face against the side of hers, "the Guardian got to them before I could."
"I'm sorry." My heart aches as I glance around at my friends, knowing only heartbreak and pain got them to where they are now. I'd never encountered the Guardian before, but from their accounts it's the spirit of a wolf that protects the Hallows and kills those that enter after dark.
"Sorry can't bring back the dead, but I appreciate it none the less." Her smile grows, but her eyes stay stuck in her memories. Licht reaches forward, grabbing a chunk of bread before bringing it to his lips.
He's the eldest wolf living in the tunnels, well into his sixites, and a wolf who would be considered the weakest link if my fathers influence was anything to go by. But I know Licht, and he's far smarter and swifter on his feet than a wolf of his age should be.
"Let's dig in," Orion announces, raising his glass, "here's to family."
"Family!" We echo, clinking our glasses.
Conversation starts around me once more as I look down at Sophia, her dark brown eyes find mine and her tail thumps against my leg. "You have to have something to eat, then you can sit back on my lap."
She whines but drags her feet as she crawls from my lap, jogging around the table to where Orion has plates on the floor for the pups. I feel Fin watching me, I arch a brow as I toss a piece of bread at him. He catches it with his mouth, sticking his tongue out. "You're good with pups."
"I work with them so I'd hope so." I flash him a smile before stuffing a piece of veal in my mouth. He leans an elbow against the pallet, resting his chin on his palm while his other hand grabs his chunk of bread.
"No, like you'd be a good mum." He takes a bite before continuing, "do you want your own kids one day?"
I groan, cradling my mug between my hands, "I mean I like the idea, but with the whole Callum just feels weird to think of having his pups."
"I forgot you're fake dating one of your dad's betas." Fin snickers, earning a glare from Maria.
"Be nice Fin," she snaps, "Ivanna shouldn't be shackled to her father's demands."
"He's not a bad guy, I've known him my whole life..." I trail off trying to find the right words, "he's one of my best friends, we've both agreed to keep the facade in place for the moment. It makes living with my father a hell of a lot easier."
"Would it be that bad?" Donnie asks, eyes softening as she tucks dirt blonde strands behind her ears, "mating with him?"
My heart twists, "our pack...we don't have fated mates."
Maria winces, looking into her own mug. Even Orion goes quiet as the attention is back on me, I wish I could shrug off the feeling of drowning under that knowledge.
I wish the fates had decided I'd been worthy enough for a mate, someone who is my equal in every way.
Fin frowns, "don't all wolves have a fated mate?"
"Luthania... under my father's rule, doesn't abide by that law. We marry and breed for power and strength, not always a match of love but of compatibility."
"Well if your with Callum, what about your sister?" Donnie asks, "has your father set her up with someone of power?"
I feel my eye twitch in annoyance at the mention of my sister, as if her name alone will ruin this small slice of happiness I hide. "My sister is my dad's golden child, she'd lick the dirt from his foot if he asked." I look to Finn, "so no, she's currently single and not spoken for. My father hasn't found a male worthy enough for his dear daughter."
Licht grunts, shaking his head. Maria watches me with pity in her eyes as she rests a hand on my shoulder.
"It's okay, really." I give my best watery smile, "I've always known what was expected of me."
"What you desire and what's expected of you are two very different things, Ivanna." Orion says, his rough voice filling the space between us, "I had a fated mate, Lilliana, she outshone the sun on its brightest day. I believe every wolf has a fated mate, no matter how short the time with them may be. Everyone deserves that kind of true love."
Grief fills his voice as the mention of her, as though he only lost her yesterday.
Fin grows quiet, choosing to eat his dinner for once instead of talking. Sophia trots back over to me, crawling into my lap and burying her face into my hip. I stroke her back, finding comfort in her small presence.
"Have I missed dinner?" A soft spoken voice slices through the tension in the air. I look over to see a slender woman slip through the curtain, her hair so blonde its almost white are hacked off at her shoulders while pale blue eyes stare at me.
It's hard to ignore the still healing, red gash that runs from her cheek and down the right side of her throat. The flesh tender and raised.
"Of course not Yolanda, come take a seat." Orion waves her over before he begins to ready a plate for her. She slinks over, shrinking on Fin's right side as she huddles beside him. I grin as he sits taller, casually resting an arm on the ground behind her.
He glares at me as if to say don't say a word.
I wink back, I won't.
"Yolanda, this is Ivanna." Donnie says, gesturing towards me, "she's from Luthania."
Yolanda flinches as the mention of my home, and I can't blame her. I can only hope she finds peace in the tunnels with the pack around her. Large doe eyes peer up at me as she sniffs the air, picking up my scent.
I wish I could conceal it, knowing the ties and strength of my bloodline are dominant. I'm not the spoilt Alpha's daughter when I'm in these tunnels, I'm simply Ivanna.
"Hi," I smile gently, lowering my chin, "it's lovely to meet you."
"Ivy's a friend of mine." Fin says, offering her a sip from his mug, "she brings us stuff from time to time."
"I know your scent." She murmurs, light brows furrowing, "I've smelt it in the streets of Harrowford."
"My sister and I mainly shop there." I admit, "she believes they have the finest silk and I go for their books."
"There's a second hand bookshop that opens after dark," Yolanda smiles wistfully, "I'd been there a few times before I was caught. It's strictly for Harrowford members, but I was looking for an original copy of Atlanic."
"I've read that story before!" I grin, "the girl falls in love with a man made of snow?"
"Yes!" She perks up, shuffling closer to Fin but her attention is on me, "and the ending kills me every time."
"I know," I whine, "I cried like a baby when he held her for the last time before the season changed."
Yolanda smiles, wincing as the scar on her chin stretches with the movement, "It was my dream to own a first edition, and I knew that book shop had a copy there somewhere. I was only able to skim the shelves before I slipped out."
"What part of the city is it in?" I ask, wondering if I'd be able to con one of the residents into picking the book up for me after the sun went down.
"South side, it's down an alley that has a flower shop on the corner. I doubt they get much business, books overflow from the shelves and piles on the floor. I wish I could have seen it one last time."
Fin bumps his chin against her head, "you will one day, I promise."
She looks up at him, her cheeks staining red before she looks away, finally realising her own plate of food is in front of her. She looks at me once more, gratitude in her eyes before digging in.
As I look down at Sophia a dangerous idea forms in my mind.
An idea that could very well get me killed.
But as I look back to Yolanada and the other misfits that make up this small tight nit pack, a sense of despair fills me. They ask for nothing, most punished for no reason worth dying over.
She wanted a book and almost paid the price of it with her life.
Now she's constricted to the tunnels at night and the Hallows through the day, never again able to venture into either city. The rule is cruel and outdated, but my father won't budge on the treaty and the alpha of Harrowford hasn't brought the issue forward.
"I best be off." I say, feigning a yawn, "I have a big day ahead, but I'll do my best to gather some more supplies."
Maria has her face resting against Orion's shoulder, wine drunk as her eyes glaze under the dim lantern lights. She wiggles her fingers at me in goodbye.
"Don't push yourself." Orion warns, "I don't want you getting into trouble for us outcasts."
"For my friends, you mean." I correct him, earning a giggle from Donnie.
"Be safe, little pup." Licht offers, giving me a weathered smile.
"Someones got to keep you fed." I jest, tossing Donnie a wink. I pull Sophia into my arms, pressing a kiss to her head before sitting her down. She whines as she sits on her hind legs, ears down.
"Someone's going to miss you." Donnie points out, affection in her eyes as she looks down at Sophia.
"We all miss Ivy when she's gone." Fin says, "she's great for entertainment."
"Oh Fin," Donnie rolls her eyes at him, "don't mind him Ivy, you're great all around."
"You know the way to a woman's heart Donnie." I grin, rising from where I stand. Orion eases himself from Maria before grabbing my now empty bag. I wave goodbye once more before Orion leads me back through their camp, offering me the bag once we reach the wooden door.
"Are you sure you don't need an escort home?" He asks, looking down at me, "it can be unsafe in the tunnels at night."
I pat his arm, "I'll be fine, purebred remember?"
He shakes his head, ruffling the top of my head before pulling me into a hug, "yes, yes, I forgot we have royalty under our roof."
"I'll be safe, I always am."
He pulls back, pressing his forehead to my own, "be safe Ivanna, it was a pleasure to have you with us tonight."
I lean into his embrace, my wolf basks in the warmth of affection this pack shares. It's been so long since I'd had this connection with anyone in my family, or our alpha. My wolf craves physical connection, and I make sure to get my fix when I'm beneath the city.
"Be well Orion, I'll seen you again."
He steps back, holding the door open for me, "may the moon guide you."
"May the darkness keep you safe."
I linger a moment longer before slipping into the darkness, letting my eyes adjust before stepping any further. The door shuts and locks behind me, and all the warmth and love I'd been full of is leeched from me once more.
I shiver as I walk along, ducking through the broken mesh fence before I reach a fork in the path that takes me home. The tunnels are quiet, only the skitter of rats and the bubble of the canal can be heard.
The pack is situated on the south west side of the Hallows, closest to the Luthania border. I inhale, tasting the air. If I head left and move through the tunnels, I'll be below Harrowford.
Yolanda's face flashes through my mind, how her dull eyes had come alive as she spoke about Atlantic. My wolf is decided before I am, my feet taking me towards Harrowford.
If she was willing to risk her life for a book that would bring her joy, than I damn sure was going to make the same gamble.

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