Chapter Twenty-Seven

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The gates open seemingly on their own as we pulled into what looks like a fuckin apartment complex. The place was HUGE and a pale beige. I dingy work uniform felt very undressed just to be standing near this place much less actually inside.

They took me up the steps and to the door Ezra holding it open for me. Adriens head was down as he walked up. He stopped dead center in the room waiting.

'Kinda ritual shit is this'

I stand behind him, resting a hand on his shoulder to try and sooth his nerves "I'm sorry.." He mumbles.

Before I have time to ask there's a slam of a door and quiet taps on the floor. I look up to see a white mass moving down the stairs. He pushes up his glasses and when he hits the first landing he stops.

"Ah Adrien wonderful you brought her" Gabriel Agreste. High profile man, something about him

He takes slow steps down the stairs. His eyes move up and down my body. For the first time in a long time, I've felt speechless by a man.

I hate that feeling.

"She's..everything they're saying" He says. There's no masking training in the world to make my face be polite right now. Everything I'm feeling is clear.

"Father please they're just-"

"Silence" Gabriel's puts his hand up in the air. Adrien immediately falls silent stepping back into his space. Gabriel walks towards me, circling. I don't give him the satisfaction and keep my eyes forward.

"Yaknow looking at an 18 year old like this, bad for press. Might make you nothing more that a creepy old man." There's a small noise, something like a grumble.

"On the contrary I'm merely trying to see if there's a way to salvage this. Have you looked at the news today?" He demands

"My deepest apologies I was at work" I say sarcastically "not all of us can just sit around watching the news" I turn and flash a smile at him. He smirks turning away from me.

"Adrien Agreste caught sneaking around with barista. Adrien Agrestes play thing caught walking out of another man's house-" He peaks at me "In what one could only assume is yesterday's clothes"

He stops in front of us "Adrien Agrestes new boo shows off at Club Ekco, seen in alley with Chat Noir" I can see a small wince pop up on Adriens face as it lowers more. "Not to mention these!" Gabriel pulls down Adriens turtle neck revealing smudged makeup over some beautiful bruising.

"And the press may focus on your scandalous actions but people are spreading rumors you're living in a run down apartment, minimum wage job. I mean look at you, can't even dress right." His eyes roll as he looks at my outfit

"Hey this is my uniform! I know how to dress" I defend

"I've seen the pictures" He snaps his fingers and the woman hands him the tablet in her hands. He turns it to me swiping through photos. Some on my own, some with Adrien, some with strangers.

Every single one he remarks something or another that's wrong with my outfit.


Another glare and he's silent again.

I take a breath before locking eyes with Gabriel "What exactly is your point here?" I demand.

"My point? My point!" He laughs "Are you that thick headed you can't understand? You're little ex boyfriend and Miss. Bourgeois is on the news as we speak SLANDERING you and the Agreste name for linking with you!" He's quick to pull up the news and there they sat talking with a reporter.

"Oh yeah she's a big *beeep* *beeep*. You wouldn't believe the things she's into! I bet she's tearing him apart, it's no wonder he's wearing all those layers these days" Trention said before Chloe butted in.

"She's so drab, she's just doing this to get back at us. Using Adrikens to make ME upset and him jealous. It's ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous."

"So you're saying Miss. Y/L/N is just using Adrien, and the other men she's been sleeping with, to get back at you two?" The reporter questions

"Oh yeah, it's just who she is. She's been that way since high-school. Always falling onto the next guy she meets." He mutes the screen but my eyes never leave Trentions stupid face.

All those years together and that's what he has to say about me. I feel a hand on my shoulder but I don't look away.

Chole throws her head back laughing at something he said and it cuts to the news reporter. "Y/n Y/l/n BDSM freak? Just what has Adrien Agreste got himself into!?" Flashes across the bottom of the screen.

"Y/n-" Adrien starts but I cut him off.

"So what?" I look up at Gabriel "So my ex thinks he can embarss me by telling everyone what I like in bed? Is that supposed to be shameful? To enjoy sex?" I demand

"In the public-" Gabriel starts

"Public my ass" There's a small gasp from the woman "I couldn't care less about what those nut jobs have to say about me. I know who I am and what I'm worth, and God damn it it's better than you insinuating I'm bad for Adrien for what I'm into. SPOILER he's obviously into it too" I glare over at Gabriel

"If you have issue with the fact that my style isn't up to your code, or that I live in a shitty apartment because I work a low paying job, that because I enjoy having fun I'm suddenly a person not worth hanging around your precious son. You're living with your head up your ass. People are black and white like that, so much goes into who and what they are you can't define it by pointless things like what the wear or where they come from. Fuck your society where you can't be a good person and have sex, were you can't express yourself how you deem fit" I turn away from him going to move out the door.

"You'll be swarmed by press. You'll be torn apart by the people your dismissing, and your fans for that matter. You've connected yourself with an Agreste. Whether or like it or not you'll be sucked into this world" My hand hovers over the door knob.

"The difference is, you can fix it for Adrien by listening to me. Or you can drag him down with you" He shrugs "Your choice" He pushes Adrien by the shoulder towards me. He stumbles but catches himself before he falls.

Adrien looks at the ground fiddling with his thumbs "I'm so sorry" He mumbles.

I sigh looking between the two "You want me to fix your family's name not Adriens reputation"

"Aren't they the same?" He counters

"..what do we do"

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