11. out of jail finally (1)

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recommended song for this chapter: youth - troye sivan


A loud knock was heard coming from the [Last Name] household's front door; Chigiri Hyoma stood there waiting almost impatiently for an answer but to no avail. Then he knocked again, and again, and again until a half asleep [hair color] girl opened the door muttering "Hyō? What brings you here?"

"Nothing really, just came here to spend time with you. It's been a while since we've last seen each other". To which [Name] replied: "I know, I know, pretty sure you don't even have the slightest idea on how much I missed you". Chigiri chuckled while hugging the girl before "Wait for me while I change, would you? make yourself at home; you already know where everything is."

The magenta-eyed boy obeyed and took a seat on one of the velvety couches. From the moment he entered, the sentiment of warmth and homelike radiated from the room. Adorned with several pictures, and some trophies every then and there. Which to think about it, is kind of impressive for someone who lives most of the time alone; In the meanwhile [Name] texted her friend who just send her off to, in her words, "deal with that shit by herself"

Sure did she told several times her friend that he could drop by at her place whenever he pleased -though she didn't expect for him to actually do it, as he had always asked for permission beforehand- they've missed each other so much at one point it became unbearable for both so .

"Are you done yet?!!" She heard her friend shouting from down the stairs along with the blasting sound of the TV. "Almost. wait 5 minutes please!!!" [Name] yelled back...

The clock ticked indicating that it was 10 o'clock already, the time they finally left the girl's home.

"So... where are we going?" [Name] questioned. Actually, Chigiri didn't know where they were going either so he just made up an answer on the spot: "Well you do remember that café we used to go to after school right? because I was thinking we could go there" Though for the pair, the destination didn't matter as long as they had each other.

Awkward silence accompanied the walk until the [eye colored] girl decide to break it:

"How was blue lock,, i mean what made you find again the passion you had? because up until recently you were all 'I want to give up' not that i'm complaining though"

Well, that made the moment even more awkward. Thank you so much Miss [Name].

"Isagi..." huh? "he believed in me when even myself couldn't, to believe I went there for the sole purpose of giving up when I actually didn't want to makes me seem like a complete idiot, haha"

Well no shit sherlock, that's I've been telling you, [Name] mentally facepalmed

Damn you Isagi. this bastard, he did in one week what I've been trying for months. Might as well thank him when I see him tomorrow

And there went by the 15 minutes of walk until they arrived to an almost empty café. Before entering, [Name] opened the door first and jokingly said "ladies first" to the strawberry haired boy. There stood the owner of the local, Yamamoto Eri; an elderly lady who seem'd to be in her late 60s.

"Good morning sweetie, I didn't expect you to see you here; today's your day off isn't it? feel free to enjoy it with your boyfriend. If you need anything I'll be in the storage room" She cheekily giggled while walking away

Enjoy the day with my what ?!2(_(2(5+(2!5!2!

Completely ignoring the woman's last sentence, Chigiri whispered in [Name]'s ear "how does she know you?", "I work here, hadn't I told you? cause i'm pretty sure I did on the group chat" Spoilers: no, she didn't. she just made it up in her head and forgot to actually tell her friend

The two found a place to sit, and while looking at the menu, Chigiri spoke out "Erm... you already know most of what I did in Blue lock but what about you? I missed out on lots of things while being jailed y'know."

"Eh? ah yes, actually I went through shit the last couple of months I barely survived dude, rambling starts in 3...2...1... so my grandma fell ill like a WEEK AFTER you left so I had a big ass fight with my mom and the day after she left and traveled all her way to Aomori* to take care of granny. Oh, and haven't heard from her ever since, but that's just life I guess"

Girl you CANNOT drop the most outrageous piece of news and just say "that's just life" what is wrong with you

"Aside from that I started working in a Subways but got fired because I kept eating all the cookies hahaha..." [Name] giggled "Then here every day after school, sometimes playing the guitar or as a waitress. Yamamoto-san is a really nice lady and the ambience is very comfortable. Some of the u20 players usually drop by and i've realized they're not actually assholes as i thought of them to be"

The boy replied: "well no shit, you always had this of thinking football players to be shitty with people but that's actually just the eyebrow twins and underlashes bros lol"

"do you remember my math teacher" "Mr. Watanabe??" "yup, he stopped coming to classes and then I found out he was arrested"



*I kinda forgot to mention but because this story is set in Tokyo, Aomori is almost 5hrs by train , 1 by plane OR 161h walking

(ik they all from different regions but fuck it🗣️🗣️ idk how japanese divisions work)

HEYY GUYS i'm finally on spring break which means i don't want to kms due to school work anymore🔥 crazy how this silly ass dream i had in new year's eve at 3am now has 11k reads. the special might be coming out soon

another one with 1k+ words let's go I don't know how to end it so this is part one

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