Back to Earth!

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The scenery is commencing with a dazzling female figure with a hazelnut type of skin and the sun shining on it. She was laying down on her bed and started to slowly rub her eyes open, waking up from a dream that was about a bedtime story. That sounded a lot like her past that her dad used to read when she was a little kid for a dream. As she expected, she was all alone within these walls high up in the clouds and was experiencing the feelings they called sadness and sorrow. It began to radiate from her so-called chamber that looked like hers from about 500 years ago before everything went downhill. She could only get on her knees and pray to the Celestial Heavens great Lord that sooner or later she's going to be found again by one of her friends but who is she? She cannot even remember her own name but only the days she has counted on the chamber floors, all of them are covered with tally numbers since day one. A sigh escaped her lips and went on the ground to add another number with a pencil that was at its breaking point. She looked down at her clothes and thought about changing them and washing them before taking a normal walk in the sky garden at her window. She is surprised at herself that she has not lost her mind yet in this place, it was peaceful and filled with her favourite things. There is nothing she could possibly hate in this prison, she was happy. She changed her outfit into something more comfortable for her and decided to look at the garden but before she could she heard a voice. "Princess Amara~, hurry up and get ready!" Not knowing how to respond to them, she just didn't say anything and listened to the voice. She felt warmth in her heart after getting the chance to remember her own name after an eternity. She could only wonder why someone called her name out, especially without the Celestial Lords permission. She didn't take her time to fully question it and thought she was just called for a special occasion. She did her makeup to look decent but also tried her best to look as 'lower' life form. Although everyone knows her face by memory, she cannot remember anyone's face nor name. It has been more than 200 years since she saw someone's face from the Celestial Ones due to the fact of her roaming around the human realm and looking at dimensions she has never been before. She was especially fascinated by how fast the change in humanity. As she finished her makeup routine she took her time to go down the glass stairs of the prison she was in. When she was taking her steps down carefully, she suddenly saw three men putting their gazes on her. As they were intently watching her walk down the stairs, she could only give them an inelegant smile in response after exchanging soft and graceless eye contact with them. Out of the pure nervousness she automatically sat next to a woman that was in the room with her as well. "Ah, Mimi, you've finally come down the stairs after forever!" She happily screeched and Amara looked at her confused and laughed. "Why should that matter when you keep getting to see me every 100 years?" Amara told the girl. The three quite young-looking men looked at each other and only two of them could laugh with them. Amara was happy to see "girl" known as Alijah, known as the water master of the Celestial Ones, she was the only goddess Amara could remember by face after being locked up in her chamber. "Mimi... I have to tell you something really important, okay?" She said with a relieved face. "Your house arrest is finally over today, and you can freely roam around the world again. But you must need a person to be with you for all times on his highness request- no orders even...!" "Do I even get to choose who will be my knight in shining armor?"  She rolled her eyes with the feeling of annoyance. Alijah could only sigh at her response wanting to know if she seriously meant it or just made one of the worst jokes in the last few centuries. "Yes, yes you do actually, your highness matters! It's a fact that the people you get to choose from are actually right in front of you even." Amara started to feel slightly embarrassed after hearing that and realized that she made a stupid joke in front of them and only bowed her head a bit and told them it was nothing personal against them at all and it was just a corny joke she quickly thought of. "It's nothing you should worry about your highness." One of the three men reassured her, "Would you like to know who we actually even are before choosing what you would prefer to have as a bodyguard though?" He questioned her with a slight nervous tone. Amara smiled at him with an awkward laugh and said, "Well yes of course otherwise this whole process would be very much unnecessary now, wouldn't it?" The guy could only look at her with a dazed face but got himself composed really quickly and explained that his name is Mo Yue and that he works under the god of light also known as Arun. He is just a rookie at battlefield experience on the outside but has been through one of the toughest training for over a Melilla just to get to this point. Mo Yue also comes from a wealthy family he says so he is always happy to lend Amara some money for a mission through the time being for them. He is also known in his only small friend group as the so-called funny guy making anyone able to just love him without struggleAmara found herself ensnared in a labyrinth of emotions, her admiration for Mo Yue's unwavering spirit and resilience etched on her face. The man's tenacity, honed through life's relentless trials, became a subject of marvel in her contemplative gaze. The room, bathed in a reflective silence, witnessed the unfolding drama of Mo Yue's journey.

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